Request for Correction of Disseminated
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Data

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Instructions for submitting this request are provided in the Data Quality Guidelines for Statistics Published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in its Administration of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program (Guidelines). Please refer to the section titled “The FBI’s Procedures for Responding to Requests for Correction of Disseminated UCR Data.”

Communications Unit
Criminal Justice Services Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Include the name of the UCR report or the data product, the date of issuance, or other identifying information, such as the address of the Web page.

Clearly identify the specific information contained in the report for which correction is being sought.

Explanation of noncompliance

Include an explanation that describes how the information is incorrect or fails to meet either the Office of Management and Budget's or the FBI's Data Quality Guidelines.

Effect of the alleged error

Include an explanation that specifies how the alleged error harms or how a correction would benefit the requester and/or the general public.


Include an explanation that gives your specific recommendations for how the information should be corrected and describe your position for how the FBI should adopt those recommendations.

Supporting evidence

Include supporting documentation, such as comparable data for research results on the same topic.

Before you submit this form: Please be aware that the FBI may be unable to process requests that omit one or more of the requested elements. Please review this form to ensure that all of the required information is provided. (Optional fields on this form are green; all other fields are required.) The FBI staff will not attempt to contact the requester to obtain additional information.