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Chapter 13 Forms

Chapter 13 Plan

The Bankruptcy Court has adopted a revision of its model plan, meant to address difficulties in the treatment of home mortgages. This revision is available for download from the links below and is also available in hard copy in the clerk's office. The new plan may be used immediately, and pursuant to Local Rules 3015-1 and 5082-2, it must be used for all filings made on or after August 16, 2004.

As before , the downloadable plan is available in both calculating and non-calculating versions. The calculating version was programmed in the current version of Adobe Acrobat (version 6), and this version requires you to use the full Adobe Acrobat product in order to fill out, automatically calculate and save the data.(The free reader available from Adobe's web site will not permit you to fill out interactive forms and save the information.) Also, if you attempt to open and work with this new calculating plan in Adobe Acrobat version 5, you may receive error messages. While the calculating plan may work in version 5 notwithstanding such error messages, no effort was made to test the accuracy of using version 5 of Adobe Acrobat instead of version 6. IT IS RECOMMEND THAT YOU UPGRADE YOUR ADOBE ACROBAT SOFTWARE TO VERSION 6 IN ORDER TO USE THE CALCULATING VERSION OF THE REVISED CHAPTER 13 MODEL PLAN. Also, while the calculating plan has been tested, the testing was not extensive. As a result, this is a "beta" version and all bugs, errors, etc. should be reported to the Chambers of Judge Hollis for consideration and revision.

Chapter 13 Forms
New Chapter 13 Model Plan (non-calculating) rev. 09/2008
New Chapter 13 Model Plan (calculating) rev. 09/008
The revised Model Plan must be used for all plans filed beginning on January 1, 2009.
Chapter 13 Model Plan (calculating version) rev.9/1/06
Chapter 13 Model Plan (non-calculating version) rev.9/1/06
Required for all plans filed on or after September 15, 2006.
Chapter 13 Model Plan (non-calculating) rev. 7/15/04
Chapter 13 Model Plan (calculating) rev. 7/15/04
New Chapter 13 Fee Application
Chapter 13 Fee Application
(for cases filed before May 1, 2007)
Chapter 13 Fee Order 
New Chapter 13 Fee Order (for cases filed on or after 10/17/05)