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Agency Departments

Office of the Director

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International/Dispute Resolution Services (ADR)

Mediation Technology Services

Public Affairs

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Our History


The Office of Public Affairs provides the general public with information regarding the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS).  Our major responsibilities are:
  • Providing accurate information regarding our mission, services and special projects
  • Advocating FMCS neutrality through our customer and media relations
  • Informing the public of new initiatives
  • Coordinating initiatives that highlight our mission
  • Reporting on the activities of the National Director
  • Speaking on behalf of the National Director
  • Dispatching press releases and media advisories
  • Publishing informational and media packets
  • Serving as the point of contact for the media
  • Responding to queries from the general public; the labor-management community; private industry representatives; state, local, and county government entities; the executive, judicial and legislative branches of the federal government, and the international community
  • Cultivating and maintaining a positive relationship with our customers

Publications About FMCS Programs and Services

Results of 2004 Labor-Management Survey

The Benefits of Federal Mediation in Collective Bargaining

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