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Participants In Leadership Fellows Program Announced

The fellows and mentors selected for the second class of the leadership program jointly sponsored by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) have been announced.

The NLM/ AAHSL Leadership Fellows Program, offered in cooperation with the Association of Research Libraries Office of Leadership and Management Services, is focused on preparing emerging leaders for director positions in academic health sciences libraries. The program provides a combination of in-person and virtual learning opportunities for fellows. It encourages developing professional relationships with a mentor and with the cohort of participants. Fellows are paired with mentors who are academic health sciences library directors and will visit the libraries of their mentors.

Information about the program is available at

2003-2004 NLM/ AAHSL Leadership Fellows Program Participants

Nancy J. Allee
Director of Informatics, Public Health Informatics Services and Access
University of Michigan
Mentor: T. Scott Plutchak
Director, Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Brian P. Bunnett
Associate Director of Libraries
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Mentor: Lynn Kasner Morgan
Associate Dean for Information Resources and Systems
Director, Gustave L. and Janet W. Levy Library
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Josephine (Jo) L. Dorsch
Health Sciences Librarian and Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago, Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria
Mentor: Susan Starr, PhD.
Associate University Librarian, Sciences and Director, Biomedical Library
University of California, San Diego
Gabriel (Gabe) R. Rios
Assistant Director for Information Services and Technology
Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
University of Virginia
Mentor: Karen A. Butter
University Librarian and Assistant Vice Chancellor,
Library Services and Instructional Technology
Library and Center for Knowledge Management
University of California, San Francisco
Cynthia (Cindy) L. Stewart
Associate Director/Health Sciences Library
Dartmouth College Biomedical Libraries
Mentor: James (Jim) Shedlock
Director, Galter Health Sciences Library
Northwestern University

Last updated: 28 December 2004
First published: 09 October 2003
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