U.S. Office of Personnel Management
[Hiring Process] [Special Provisions] [Salary] [Benefits]
The Worker-Trainee Program is aimed at unskilled workers to be hired into GS-1, WG-1 and
WG-2 positions in the Federal service. It is designed to provide promising individuals an
opportunity to learn not only marketable skills, but good work habits, e.g. punctuality, attention
to duties, ability to follow instructions, and dependability, which are attributes needed to succeed
anywhere in the working world.
Worker-Trainees are provided formal and on-the-job training. In addition, agencies should
provide appropriate mentoring and counseling services.
- Vacancies under the program will be announced through OPM's Employment Information
- Managers should work with their personnel offices and local welfare offices in identifying
eligible candidates.
- In making selections from a list of eligible candidates, career transition assistance
provisions and veterans preference apply.
- During the first three years, the Worker-Trainee may be reassigned or promoted up to GS-4 or WG-5 or equivalent positions.
- Employees hired under the Worker-Trainee program will be eligible for conversion to
career appointments after 3 years of qualifying service and satisfactory performance.
- Employees who do not meet the conditions for conversion must be separated no later than
90 calendar days after completion of 3 years under the Worker-Trainee appointment.
- Employees hired into GS-1 positions earn an entry level base
pay of $13,870. They are also entitled to additional pay based on the locality pay area (geographic area) in which they work.
- Employees hired into WG positions are paid based on the wage schedule for the wage area
(geographic area) in which they work.
- Employees hired under the Worker-Trainee Program into positions subject to the General
Schedule (GS) are eligible to earn within-grade increases.
Employees hired under the Worker-Trainee program in full-time or part-time positions will be
eligible for the following employee benefits:
- Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)
- Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI)
- Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB)
- Annual and sick leave
Employees working under part-time schedules receive prorated benefits.
Additional information can be found in the following references: 5 U.S.C. 3304; 5 CFR,
parts 315, 316, 330, 333, 531, 630, 842, 870, and 890.
Updated 29 April 1999