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FDIC Consumer News - Spring 2003

Special Report on Fraud

For More Information About Fighting Fraud

The FDIC and the other federal banking regulators listed on "For General Information from Financial Regulators" have publications, Web sites, staff and other resources that can help answer your questions. For example, you can read articles about financial frauds in past issues of FDIC Consumer News at www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/news. The FDIC also has developed an adult financial education program called "Money Smart" that is designed to help banks and other organizations teach basic money management skills, including some that can be effective in avoiding fraud. For more details, go to www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/moneysmart.

The Federal Trade Commission works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices and to provide helpful information to consumers. To file a complaint or to get free information, visit www.ftc.gov or call toll-free 877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). The FTC also maintains the U.S. government's central Web site for information about identity theft (www.consumer.gov/idtheft).

Other consumer information is available from the federal government, including news and alerts about scams and frauds posted on the Web site of the Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC) at www.pueblo.gsa.gov/scamsdesc. Also call the FCIC for fraud-related publications (toll-free 888-878-3256).

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Last Updated 06/18/2003 communications@fdic.gov

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