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Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

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Dispute Resolution System Design


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Best Practices in System Design

Managing Conflict from the Inside – Dispute Resolution Systems

FMCS can help your organization design and develop a dispute resolution system to enhance both the workplace and labor-management relations.
FMCS mediators are available to work with both public and private sector organizations to design systems for internal or external conflict resolution.

Mediators begin with a needs assessment and diagnosis, and usually a site visit. Systems design also includes a "procedures audit" studying how issues and problems are currently resolved in the organization, those options available for improvement, and a detailed plan for implementation, maintenance and evaluation of a new system.

In each case, mediators apply the best-practice experience and knowledge that has made FMCS the leading mediation service provider in the world.

For more information, please contact the nearest FMCS field office, regional office, or our National Office. You can use the contact us feature below and your message will be delivered the to appropriate FMCS office.