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2003 National Survey on Drug Use & Health:  Detailed Tables


Results from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables is a collection of tables generated using data from the 2002 and 2003 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs). Prior to 2002, the survey was called the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). The majority of these tables are trend tables presenting estimates from the 2002 and 2003 NSDUHs. Select tables present only estimates from the 2003 NSDUH if the same or comparable data are not available from 2002. In addition, a select number of tables contain annual averages, which are generated by combining the 2002 and 2003 data if there are not sufficient data within a single year to produce reliable estimates.

Due to survey improvements in the 2002 NSDUH, the 2002 data constitute a new baseline for tracking trends in substance use and other measures. Therefore, estimates from the 2002 and 2003 surveys should not be compared with estimates from the 2001 or earlier surveys to examine changes over time.

Subsets of the Detailed Tables are included in Appendices F and G of the report titled Results from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings.1 Tables included in Appendices F and G can be mapped back to these Detailed Tables by using the table number reference included in parentheses in the upper left-hand corner of each table in the appendix (e.g., Table F.1 is the equivalent of Table 8.1N). A description of the survey measurement issues, as well as the sample design and estimation procedures used in the 2003 NSDUH, can be found in technical appendices of this same report.

Table Revisions

As of June 2005, Tables 5.53-5.54 and 5.66-5.67 have been revised. The revised tables have been denoted with the word "(REVISED)," which has been placed between the table number and the table's title. In addition, a note appears at the bottom of each revised table that briefly explains the reason for revision. In general, previously published estimates of past year illicit drug treatment at specific locations (Tables 5.53 and 5.66) and past year alcohol treatment at specific locations (Tables 5.54 and 5.67) were under-reported by excluding respondents who reported having received only illicit drug treatment or only alcohol treatment in the past year.

More specifically, previously reported estimates were only based on those respondents who reported receiving treatment in the past year for both alcohol and illicit drugs, then explicitly reported treatment for alcohol only or illicit drugs only at a given specific treatment location (e.g., emergency room, private doctor's office, etc.). However, respondents reporting treatment for alcohol only or illicit drugs only in the past year who later reported receiving treatment at a specific treatment location were excluded from the analysis. The revised tables contain estimates based on both these types of respondents.

Table Numbering

The Detailed Tables are numbered using a three-part numbering scheme (e.g., 1.15A). The first part of the table number (1.15A) is the subject matter section to which a particular table belongs. The second part (1.15A) is the number of the table within a particular section. The third part (1.15A) is a table type indicator, an alphabetic letter appended to the table number. There are multiple table types for each table number.

The eight subject matter sections and the number of tables per section are as follows:

Section 1:  Illicit Drug Use Tables - 1.1 to 1.132
Section 2:  Tobacco and Alcohol Use Tables - 2.1 to 2.111
Section 3:  Risk and Protective Factor Tables - 3.1 to 3.69
Section 4:  Incidence Tables - 4.1 to 4.60
Section 5:  Dependence, Abuse, and Treatment Tables - 5.1 to 5.89
Section 6:  Mental Health Tables - 6.1 to 6.54
Section 7:  Miscellaneous Tables - 7.1 to 7.113
Section 8:  Sample Size and Population Tables - 8.1 to 8.16

The table type indicators are defined as follows:

Table Type Purpose of the Table
A: Presents estimates of the numbers of persons who have used the drug(s) in the populations described by the column and row headings.
B: Presents estimates of the percentages of persons who have used the drug(s) in the populations described by the column and row headings.
C: Presents the standard error associated with each of the estimates in the "A" tables.
D: Presents the standard error associated with each of the estimates in the "B" tables.
N: Presents the number of cases in the specified NSDUH sample with the characteristics defined by the column and row headings.
P: Presents the p-values from tests of the statistical significance of differences between columns in "B" tables.

The majority of tables within the Detailed Tables contain five table types (A, B, C, D, and P) as defined above. Note that table type N is used exclusively within Section 8 to display the sample size counts. Exceptions to this organization are noted below:

Locating and Accessing a Table

The Detailed Tables are organized by table type into two categories:

Both categories are organized based on subject matter sections. Clicking on the subject matter section of interest will take you to an index of tables for that section. Scroll through the list of table titles to find the table of interest, and click on the table title to go directly to that table. You need to return to the Table of Contents to access tables from other sections or categories.

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End Note

1 Office of Applied Studies. (2004). Results from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings (DHHS Publication No. SMA 04–3964, NSDUH Series H-25). Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

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This page was last updated on June 03, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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