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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Appendix A
Required CAPTA Data Items
Child Maltreatment 2003

In 1996, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was amended to read "Each State to which a grant is made under this section shall annually work with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to provide, to the maximum extent practicable, a report that includes the following:"1

  1. The number of children who were reported to the State during the year as abused or neglected.
  2. Of the number of children described in paragraph (1), the number with respect to whom such reports were—
    1. substantiated;
    2. unsubstantiated; or
    3. determined to be false.
  3. Of the number of children described in paragraph (2)—
    1. the number that did not receive services during the year under the State program funded under this section or an equivalent State program;
    2. the number that received services during the year under the State program funded under this section or an equivalent State program; and
    3. the number that were removed from their families during the year by disposition of the case.
  4. The number of families that received preventive services from the State during the year.
  5. The number of deaths in the State during the year resulting from child abuse or neglect.
  6. Of the number of children described in paragraph (5), the number of such children who were in foster care.
  7. The number of child protective services workers responsible for the intake and screening of reports filed in the previous year.
  8. The agency response time with respect to each such report with respect to initial investigation of reports of child abuse or neglect.
  9. The response time with respect to the provision of services to families and children where an allegation of abuse or neglect has been made.
  10. The number of child protective services workers responsible for intake, assessment, and investigation of child abuse and neglect reports relative to the number of reports investigated in the previous year.
  11. The number of children reunited with their families or receiving family preservation services that, within five years, result in subsequent substantiated reports of child abuse and neglect, including the death of the child.
  12. The number of children for whom individuals were appointed by the court to represent the best interests of such children and the average number of out of court contacts between such individuals and children.
  13. The annual report containing the summary of activities of the citizen review panels of the State required by subsection (c) (6).
  14. The number of children under the care of the State child protection system who are transferred in to the custody of the State juvenile justice system.


1 The most recent reauthoriztion of CAPTA, The Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003, Public Law 108-36, (42 U.S.C. 5106), retained items 1-12 and added 13 and 14. back


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