Solicitation Number: Reference-Number-S5105A04SC09
Agency: Defense Contract Management Agency
Office: Defense Contract Management Agency
Location: DCMA Procurement Center (DCMAC-W)
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Special Notice
Added: August 16, 2004 Modified: December 20, 2004Track Changes
D-OMB Circular A-76: Department of Defense (DoD) Public-Private Competition of information technology activities performed by the DoD Contract Management Agency (DCMA), in California. Reference No. S5105A-04-SC09.

Document Type: Special Notice;

POC: Mr. Robert Diamond, DCMA Competitive Sourcing Program Manager;

Classification Code: D – Information Technology services, including telecommunications services;

Description: In accordance with the procedures specified in the revised OMB Circular A-76, May 29, 2003, this notice represents the formal public announcement of the performance decision for the Streamlined Competition identified above. A streamlined competition form (SLCF) certified the cost estimates used to make this performance decision. The SLCF compared the total cost of agency (DoD) performance to an estimated private sector cost based on market research and identified DoD as the low-cost provider. DoD performance was based on a most efficient organization (MEO) staffed with government personnel. This MEO will implement in accordance with the Circular and is subject to the Circular’s post-competition accountability requirements.

Prospective service providers are advised that this public announcement ends this streamlined competition process; therefore, a SOLICITATION WILL NOT BE ISSUED FOR THESE SERVICES. The Department of Defense Competitive Sourcing Official (CSO) is Mr. Philip W. Grone, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment). The DoD Component Competitive Sourcing Official (CCSO) is Darryl A. Scott, Major General, USAF, Director, DCMA. POC for questions is Robert Diamond, Competitive Sourcing Program Manager, DCMA, 703-428-1493.

Defense Contract Management Agency, Defense Contract Management Agency, DCMA Procurement Center (DCMAC-W), ATTN DCMAC-W 6350 Walker Lane Suite 300, Alexandria, VA, 22310-3241
Theresa Hyman, Contract Specialist, Phone 703 428-1711, Fax 703 428-3579, Email Theresa.Hyman@dcma.mil - Theresa Hyman, Contract Specialist, Phone 703 428-1711, Fax 703 428-3579, Email Theresa.Hyman@dcma.mil