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Exhibit 300 (BY2009) for HHS Asset - Property Management Information System (Sunflower)



1. Date of Submission:
2. Agency:
3. Bureau:
4. Name of this Capital Asset:
HHS Asset - Property Management Information System (Sunflower)
5. Unique Project Identifier:
6. What kind of investment will this be in FY2009?
Operations and Maintenance
7. What was the first budget year this investment was submitted to OMB?
8. Provide a brief summary and justification for this investment, including a brief description of how this closes in part or in whole an identified agency performance gap.
The Property Management Information System (PMIS) will consolidate all HHS personal property asset management systems into a single system and will achieve full integration with the HHS financial system and Federal asset management systems. PMIS is in direct support of government-wide and Department initiatives to improve systems and consolidate administrative functions--making this a major investment for HHS. PMIS will drive toward a more efficient, electronic, and uniform method of asset management for the Department through achieving the following HHS strategic objectives: 1. Eliminate redundant and outdated property systems; 2. Produce accurate, timely, reliable, and relevant property information for fact-based operational decision-making; 3. Comply with applicable Federal financial/property management requirements; 4. Strengthen internal controls through standard business rules, data requirements and accounting policies; 5. Streamline operational activities to achieve more efficient and cost-effective business performance; and 6. Continue to achieve unqualified audit opinions on annual financial statements. In addition to supporting the Department's strategic goals, PMIS supports 6 of the 14 President's Management Agenda (PMA) initiatives: PMA #1 Human Capital, PMA #2 Competitive Sourcing, PMA #3 Financial Performance, PMA #4 Expand E-Gov, PMA #5 Budget Performance, and PMA #13 Right Sized Overseas Presence. The previous, decentralized HHS asset management environment was characterized by redundant investments and a divergence of asset management practices. PMIS standardizes these management practices and creates opportunities for leveraging business processes and resources across HHS to bring about operational improvements and reduced O&M costs. By BY09, PMIS will enter its first full year as a Steady State investment. The $1.337M requested for BY09 will allow for routine system O&M, service delivery improvements, and system enhancments to better service the PMIS customer base. PMIS achieved full funding for the Planning and Acquisition phases in FY07, having received a total of $4.945M in DME funding (including prior years). The FY07 DME funding exceeded original DME estimates, necessitated by additional system requirements. As a result, and to reflect updated steady state estimates, a rebaseline request was made in FY07.
9. Did the Agency's Executive/Investment Committee approve this request?
9.a. If "yes," what was the date of this approval?
10. Did the Project Manager review this Exhibit?
11.a. What is the current FAC-P/PM certification level of the project/program manager?
12. Has the agency developed and/or promoted cost effective, energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable techniques or practices for this project.
12.a. Will this investment include electronic assets (including computers)?
12.b. Is this investment for new construction or major retrofit of a Federal building or facility? (answer applicable to non-IT assets only)
13. Does this investment directly support one of the PMA initiatives?
If yes, select the initiatives that apply:
Initiative Name
Budget Performance Integration
Competitive Sourcing
Expanded E-Government
Financial Performance
Human Capital
Right Sized Overseas Presence
13.a. Briefly and specifically describe for each selected how this asset directly supports the identified initiative(s)? (e.g. If E-Gov is selected, is it an approved shared service provider or the managing partner?)
PMA #1 Human Capital: PMIS will enable HHS-wide asset managers. PMA #2 Competitive Sourcing: PMIS will provide more detailed and accurate costs. PMA #3 Financial Performance: PMIS will ensure capital asset data is accurate & timely. PMIS will assist with IMIA. PMA #4 Expand E-Gov: PMIS complies with property mgt. E-Gov initiative. PMA #5 Budget Performance: PMIS will aggregate HHS asset costs. PMA #13 Right Sized Overseas Presence: PMIS will provide a consolidate view of HHS assets overseas.
14. Does this investment support a program assessed using the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)?
15. Is this investment for information technology?
16. What is the level of the IT Project (per CIO Council's PM Guidance)?
Level 2
17. What project management qualifications does the Project Manager have? (per CIO Council's PM Guidance)
(1) Project manager has been validated as qualified for this investment
18. Is this investment identified as high risk on the Q4 - FY 2007 agency high risk report (per OMB memorandum M-05-23)?
19. Is this a financial management system?
19.a. If yes, does this investment address a FFMIA compliance area?
19.a.1. If yes, which compliance area:
Financial Systems and Processes
19.b. If yes, please identify the system name(s) and system acronym(s) as reported in the most recent financial systems inventory update required by Circular A11 section 52.
Property Management Information System - PMIS
20. What is the percentage breakout for the total FY2009 funding request for the following? (This should total 100%)
21. If this project produces information dissemination products for the public, are these products published to the Internet in conformance with OMB Memorandum 05-04 and included in your agency inventory, schedules and priorities?
22. Contact information of individual responsible for privacy related questions.
NameSuzi Connor
Phone Number202-260-5528
TitleOS Senior Privacy Official
23. Are the records produced by this investment appropriately scheduled with the National Archives and Records Administration's approval?
24. Does this investment directly support one of the GAO High Risk Areas?


1. Provide the total estimated life-cycle cost for this investment by completing the following table. All amounts represent budget authority in millions, and are rounded to three decimal places. Federal personnel costs should be included only in the row designated Government FTE Cost, and should be excluded from the amounts shown for Planning, Full Acquisition, and Operation/Maintenance. The total estimated annual cost of the investment is the sum of costs for Planning, Full Acquisition, and Operation/Maintenance. For Federal buildings and facilities, life-cycle costs should include long term energy, environmental, decommissioning, and/or restoration costs. The costs associated with the entire life-cycle of the investment should be included in this report.

All amounts represent Budget Authority

Note: For the cross-agency investments, this table should include all funding (both managing partner and partner agencies).

Government FTE Costs should not be included as part of the TOTAL represented.
Cost TypePy-1 & Earlier
Planning Budgetary Resources0.7210.4000.0000.000
Acquisition Budgetary Resources3.1250.6980.0000.000
Maintenance Budgetary Resources5.3611.0350.8800.912
Government FTE Cost0.8300.2800.3500.425
# of FTEs12445
2. Will this project require the agency to hire additional FTE's?
2.a. If "yes," how many and in what year?
One additional government FTE will be hired in FY 2008 to assist in running the HHS Program Support Center (PSC) Help Desk for PMIS. This is a Tier 1 Help Desk currently staffed with 2 FTEs. A third FTE is required to handle the anticipated increase in call volume due to the additional OPDIVs consolidated into PMIS during FY 2008 (CDC and FDA).
3. If the summary of spending has changed from the FY2008 President's budget request, briefly explain those changes.
There were changes in DME, Steady State (O&M), and Government FTE costs reported for the FY2008 President's budget request that have been reflected in this Summary of Spending table for BY2009. HHS OPDIV CFOs mandated several enhancements to be funded and delivery scheduled before agreeing to adopt PMIS. As a result, the HHS ITIRB approved the use of an additional $0.903M of FY2007 DME funding in May 2007. Additional program management support resources were required to manage the increased DME scope. An additional $0.195M of FY2007 DME funding was approved in May 2007 from the HHS Office of Acquisition Management and Policy (OAMP) Asset-Acquisition Integration and Modernization (AIM) project. The total change of $1.098M DME Budgetary Resources for FY 2007 is broken down into $0.400M in Planning and $0.698M in Acquisition costs. In addition to the change in DME funding, the Government FTE costs were modified for all FYs. These costs were not reported on the Summary of Spending table for the FY2008 President's budget request. The HHS PSC, administrator for the PMIS system, determined that an increased level of effort (LOE) would be required to support the administrative and help desk functions for PMIS. These FTE costs correspond to the operations and maintenance of the PMIS system only. No FTE costs are incurred in the DME portion of the lifecycle. The total FTE costs for the period from FY 2005-2013 is $3.771M. These costs include FTE salaries and benefits and a 4.2% annual cost of living increase (in accordance with OMB M-07-02). The increase in Government FTE costs offset some planned Budgetary Resources for contractor Steady State (O&M) support. From FY2008-2012 the contractor O&M Budgetary Resources were reduced by a total of $1.089M. This reduction is due to a decrease in the anticipated LOE for contractor O&M services during these FYs. An additional $1.055M (not including $0.501M in FTE costs) was included for FY2013. Costs for software, hardware, and other equipment were increased by an inflation factor of 2.1% (in accordance with OMB M-07-02).


In order to successfully address this area of the exhibit 300, performance goals must be provided for the agency and be linked to the annual performance plan. The investment must discuss the agency's mission and strategic goals, and performance measures (indicators) must be provided. These goals need to map to the gap in the agency's strategic goals and objectives this investment is designed to fill. They are the internal and external performance benefits this investment is expected to deliver to the agency (e.g., improve efficiency by 60 percent, increase citizen participation by 300 percent a year to achieve an overall citizen participation rate of 75 percent by FY 2xxx, etc.). The goals must be clearly measurable investment outcomes, and if applicable, investment outputs. They do not include the completion date of the module, milestones, or investment, or general goals, such as, significant, better, improved that do not have a quantitative measure.
Agencies must use the following table to report performance goals and measures for the major investment and use the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Performance Reference Model (PRM). Map all Measurement Indicators to the corresponding Measurement Area and Measurement Grouping identified in the PRM. There should be at least one Measurement Indicator for each of the four different Measurement Areas (for each fiscal year). The PRM is available at The table can be extended to include performance measures for years beyond FY 2009.
RowFiscal YearStrategic Goal SupportedMeasurement AreaMeasurement GroupingMeasurement IndicatorBaselinePlanned Improvement to the BaselineActual Results
12006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsFacilities, Fleet, And Equipment ManagementCompliance with laws and regulations2005 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionOK
22006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsInventory Control% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS10% (FY 2005)40%45%
32006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY20061 (FY 2005)44
42006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesSavings and Cost AvoidanceUnit cost to administer HHS personal property$0.50 per accountable asset; $36 per capital asset (FY 2005)$0.25 per accountable; $15 per capital$0.25 per accountable; $15 per capital
52006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyOverall CostsTotal overall costs to operate non-NIH HHS property management systems$3.3 million (FY 2005)$2.4 million$2.4 million
62006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users95%99%99%
72007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsFacilities, Fleet, And Equipment ManagementCompliance with laws and regulations2006 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionTBD
82007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsInventory Control% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS45% (FY 2006)70%TBD
92007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsReporting and InformationTotal time to produce monthly and annual PP&E reports800 hrs600 hrsTBD
102007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY20074 (FY 2006)5TBD
112007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesSavings and Cost AvoidanceUnit cost to administer HHS personal property$0.25 per accountable; $15 per capital (FY 2006)$0.15 per accountable; $10 per capitalTBD
122007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyOverall CostsNumber of property management data locations5 (fy2006)3TBD
132007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users99%99.5%TBD
142008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsFacilities, Fleet, And Equipment ManagementCompliance with laws and regulations2007 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionTBD
152008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsInventory Control% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS70% (FY 2007)100%TBD
162008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsReporting and InformationTotal time to produce monthly and annual PP&E reports600 hrs400 hrsTBD
172008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY20065 (FY 2007)12TBD
182008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesInnovation and ImprovementIntegration with UFMSDesign and development of UFMS-PMIS interfaceUFMS-PMIS interface deployed with UFMS Release 4TBD
192008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users99.5%99.9%TBD
202009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsCost Accounting / Performance MeasurementCompliance with laws and regulations2008 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionTBD
212009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsManagement Improvement% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS100%100%TBD
222009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsAsset and Liability ManagementTotal time to produce monthly and annual PP&E reports400 hrs250 hrsTBD
232009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY200612 (FY 2008)12TBD
242009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users99.5%99.9%TBD
252010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users99.5%99.9%TBD
262011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users99.5%99.9%TBD
272012Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users99.5%99.9%TBD
282013Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyAvailability% of time (24/7) PMIS system is available to users99.5%99.9%TBD
292010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY200612 (FY 2009)12TBD
302011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY200612 (FY 2010)12TBD
312012Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY200612 (FY 2011)12TBD
322013Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer RetentionNumber of non-NIH HHS OPDIVs using PMIS in FY200612 (FY 2012)12TBD
332010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsAsset and Liability ManagementTotal time to produce monthly and annual PP&E reports250 hrs250 hrsTBD
342011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsAsset and Liability ManagementTotal time to produce monthly and annual PP&E reports250 hrs250 hrsTBD
352012Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsAsset and Liability ManagementTotal time to produce monthly and annual PP&E reports250 hrs250 hrsTBD
362013Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsAsset and Liability ManagementTotal time to produce monthly and annual PP&E reports250 hrs250 hrsTBD
372010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsManagement Improvement% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS100%100%TBD
382011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsManagement Improvement% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS100%100%TBD
392012Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsManagement Improvement% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS100%100%TBD
402013Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsManagement Improvement% of non-NIH HHS property assets captured in PMIS100%100%TBD
412010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsReporting and InformationCompliance with laws and regulations2009 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionTBD
422011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsReporting and InformationCompliance with laws and regulations2010 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionTBD
432012Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsReporting and InformationCompliance with laws and regulations2011 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionTBD
442013Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsReporting and InformationCompliance with laws and regulations2012 JFMIP and CFR complianceMaintain a clean audit opinionTBD
452009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesInnovation and ImprovementEnterprise Reporting & Ad Hoc QuerySet of PMIS custom Oracle reports as of FY2008Implementation of a COTS enterprise reporting and ad hoc query system (e.g., Oracle Discover)TBD
462010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesFinancial ManagementPP&E capital asset General Ledger variance< 1% of capital base0%TBD
472011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesFinancial ManagementPP&E capital asset General Ledger variance< 1% of capital base0%TBD
482012Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesFinancial ManagementPP&E capital asset General Ledger variance< 1% of capital base0%TBD
492013Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesProcesses and ActivitiesFinancial ManagementPP&E capital asset General Ledger variance< 1% of capital base0%TBD

Enterprise Architecture

In order to successfully address this area of the business case and capital asset plan you must ensure the investment is included in the agency's EA and Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process, and is mapped to and supports the FEA. You must also ensure the business case demonstrates the relationship between the investment and the business, performance, data, services, application, and technology layers of the agency's EA.
1. Is this investment included in your agency's target enterprise architecture?
2. Is this investment included in the agency's EA Transition Strategy?
2.a. If yes, provide the investment name as identified in the Transition Strategy provided in the agency's most recent annual EA Assessment.
HHS Asset - Property Management Information System
3. Is this investment identified in a completed (contains a target architecture) and approved segment architecture?
4. Identify the service components funded by this major IT investment (e.g., knowledge management, content management, customer relationship management, etc.). Provide this information in the format of the following table. For detailed guidance regarding components, please refer to

Component: Use existing SRM Components or identify as NEW. A NEW component is one not already identified as a service component in the FEA SRM.

Reused Name and UPI: A reused component is one being funded by another investment, but being used by this investment. Rather than answer yes or no, identify the reused service component funded by the other investment and identify the other investment using the Unique Project Identifier (UPI) code from the OMB Ex 300 or Ex 53 submission.

Internal or External Reuse?: Internal reuse is within an agency. For example, one agency within a department is reusing a service component provided by another agency within the same department. External reuse is one agency within a department reusing a service component provided by another agency in another department. A good example of this is an E-Gov initiative service being reused by multiple organizations across the federal government.

Funding Percentage: Please provide the percentage of the BY requested funding amount used for each service component listed in the table. If external, provide the funding level transferred to another agency to pay for the service.
RowAgency Component NameAgency Component DescriptionService TypeComponentReused Component NameReused UPIInternal or External Reuse?Funding %
1Product ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that facilitate the creation and maintenance of products and services.Customer Relationship ManagementProduct Management  No Reuse0
2Customer / Account ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that support the retention and delivery of a service or product to an organization's clients.Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer / Account Management  No Reuse0
3Process TrackingDefines the set of capabilities that allow the monitoring of activities within the business cycle.Tracking and WorkflowProcess Tracking  No Reuse0
4Portfolio ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that support the administration of a group of investments held by an organization.Investment ManagementPortfolio Management  No Reuse0
5Business Rule ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that manage the enterprise processes that support an organization and its policies.Management of ProcessesBusiness Rule Management  No Reuse0
6Program / Project ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that manage and control a particular effort of an organization.Management of ProcessesProgram / Project Management  No Reuse0
7Sourcing ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that support the supply of goods or services as well as the tracking and analysis of costs for these goods.Supply Chain ManagementSourcing Management  No Reuse0
8Inventory managementDefines the set of capabilities that provide for the balancing of customer service levels with inventory investment.Supply Chain ManagementInventory management  No Reuse0
9Warehouse managementDefines the set of capabilities that provide for the storage and movement of materials within a warehouse, including these processes: material receipt, order picking, packaging, labeling and shipping.Supply Chain ManagementWarehouse management  No Reuse0
10Logistics and TransportationDefines the set of capabilities that provide for efficient freight and traffic management.Supply Chain ManagementLogistics and Transportation  No Reuse0
11Information RetrievalDefines the set of capabilities that allow access to data and information for use by an organization and its stakeholders.Knowledge ManagementInformation Retrieval  No Reuse0
12Ad HocDefines the set of capabilities that support the use of dynamic reports on an as needed basis.ReportingAd Hoc  No Reuse0
13Standardized / CannedDefines the set of capabilities that support the use of pre-conceived or pre-written reports.ReportingStandardized / Canned  No Reuse0
14OLAPDefines the set of capabilities that support the analysis of information that has been summarized into multidimensional views and hierarchies.ReportingOLAP  No Reuse0
15Property / Asset ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that support the identification, planning and allocation of an organization's physical capital and resources.Asset / Materials ManagementProperty / Asset Management  No Reuse0
16Asset Cataloging / IdentificationDefines the set of capabilities that support the listing and specification of available assets.Asset / Materials ManagementAsset Cataloging / Identification  No Reuse0
17Asset Transfer, Allocation, and MaintenanceDefines the set of capabilities that support the movement, assignment, and replacement of assets.Asset / Materials ManagementAsset Transfer, Allocation, and Maintenance  No Reuse0
18AuditingDefines the set of capabilities that support the examination and verification of records for accuracy.Financial ManagementAuditing  No Reuse0
19Billing and AccountingDefines the set of capabilities that support the charging, collection and reporting of an organization's accounts.Financial ManagementBilling and Accounting  No Reuse0
5. To demonstrate how this major IT investment aligns with the FEA Technical Reference Model (TRM), please list the Service Areas, Categories, Standards, and Service Specifications supporting this IT investment.

FEA SRM Component: Service Components identified in the previous question should be entered in this column. Please enter multiple rows for FEA SRM Components supported by multiple TRM Service Specifications.

Service Specification: In the Service Specification field, Agencies should provide information on the specified technical standard or vendor product mapped to the FEA TRM Service Standard, including model or version numbers, as appropriate.
RowSRM Component>Service AreaService CategoryService StandardService Specification (i.e., vendor and product name)
1PersonalizationService Access and DeliveryAccess ChannelsWeb BrowserInternet Explorer
2Customer / Account ManagementService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsLegislative / ComplianceSection 508
3EmailService Access and DeliveryAccess ChannelsCollaboration / CommunicationsElectronic Mail (E-mail)
4Ad HocComponent FrameworkData ManagementDatabase ConnectivityJava Database Connectivity (JDBC), Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), Object Linking and Embedding/Database (OLE/DB)
5Network ManagementService Access and DeliveryDelivery ChannelsIntranetFrame Relay
6Identification and AuthenticationService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsLegislative / ComplianceSecurity
7Identification and AuthenticationService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsAuthentication / Single Sign-onSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)
8Data ExchangeService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsHostingEnterprise Server
9EmailService Access and DeliveryService TransportSupporting Network ServicesMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
10Network ManagementService Access and DeliveryService TransportService TransportLightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
11Data WarehouseService Platform and InfrastructureDatabase / StorageDatabaseOracle
12Network ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureDelivery ServersWeb ServersSunflower
13Business Rule ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureDelivery ServersApplication ServersSunflower
14Data WarehouseService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureEmbedded Technology DevicesHard Disk Drive
15Network ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureLocal Area Network (LAN)Ethernet
16Network ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureWide Area Network (WAN)Asynchronous Transfer Mode
17Graphing / ChartingService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructurePeripheralsPrinter
18Network ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureServers / ComputersEnterprise Server
19Network ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureNetwork Devices / StandardsHub, Router, Switch, NIC, Gateway, T1/T3, Firewall
20Configuration ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureSoftware EngineeringSoftware Configuration ManagementVersion Management, Defect Tracking, Issue Management, Task Management, Change Management, Deployment Management, Requirements Management and Traceability.
21Issue TrackingService Platform and InfrastructureSoftware EngineeringTest ManagementFunctional Testing, Business Cycle Testing , Usability Testing (508 Testing), Performance Profiling, Load/Stress/Volume Testing, Security and Access Control Testing, Reliability Testing, Configuration Testing, Installation Testing.
22ClassificationComponent FrameworkBusiness LogicPlatform IndependentEnterprise Java Beans (EJB), JavaScript, Java Servlet (JSR 53)
23Software DevelopmentService Platform and InfrastructureSupport PlatformsPlatform IndependentJava 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
24QueryComponent FrameworkBusiness LogicPlatform DependentPowerBuilder
25Identification and AuthenticationComponent FrameworkSecurityCertificates / Digital SignaturesDigital Certificate Authentication , Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
26Software DevelopmentComponent FrameworkPresentation / InterfaceStatic DisplayHyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
27Software DevelopmentComponent FrameworkPresentation / InterfaceDynamic Server-Side DisplayJava Server Pages (JSP), PowerBuilder
28Software DevelopmentComponent FrameworkPresentation / InterfaceContent RenderingDynamic HTML (DHTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
29Data ExchangeComponent FrameworkData InterchangeData ExchangeSimple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Electronic Business using XML (ebXML), Web Services User Interface (WSUI)
30OLAPComponent FrameworkData ManagementReporting and AnalysisOnline Analytical Processing (OLAP)
31Data IntegrationService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationMiddlewareRemote Procedure Call (RPC), Database Access: ISQL/w
32Enterprise Application IntegrationService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationOracle (PL/SQL)
33Data IntegrationService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Format / ClassificationeXtensible Markup Language (XML), Namespaces
34Data IntegrationService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Types / ValidationDocument Type Definition (DTD), XML Schema
35Software DevelopmentService Interface and IntegrationInterfaceService DiscoveryUniversal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
36Software DevelopmentService Interface and IntegrationInterfaceService Description / InterfaceWeb Services Description Language (WSDL), Application Program Interface (API)/Protocol
37Customer / Account ManagementService Access and DeliveryAccess ChannelsOther Electronic ChannelsUniform Resource Locator (URL)
6. Will the application leverage existing components and/or applications across the Government (i.e., FirstGov, Pay.Gov, etc)?



You should perform a risk assessment during the early planning and initial concept phase of the investment's life-cycle, develop a risk-adjusted life-cycle cost estimate and a plan to eliminate, mitigate or manage risk, and be actively managing risk throughout the investment's life-cycle.

Answer the following questions to describe how you are managing investment risks.
1. Does the investment have a Risk Management Plan?
1.a. If yes, what is the date of the plan?
1.b. Has the Risk Management Plan been significantly changed since last year's submission to OMB?
1.c. If yes, describe any significant changes:
Status of risks in risk inventory have been updated. Several program risks have been successfully closed. Risk Management Plan is updated quarterly to reflect current program status.


1. Was operational analysis conducted?
1.a. If yes, provide the date the analysis was completed.
What were the results of your operational analysis?
While PMIS is still in the mixed use phase in FY2007, there was a IBV and related follow-up conducted and completed in March 2007. This review found that PMIS has appropriate cost, schedule, and performance goals. It should also include a review of related enterprise management issues such as risk, information security, harmonization with the EA transition strategy. As a result of this review, PMIS was removed from HHS watch list status. Since this time PMIS continues to be operative within 10% cost and schedule variance and is achieving targeted performance results. During this review project O&M cost estimates for were updated to reflect actual cost to date and current life span estimates, which extended the PMIS steady state lifecycle by 2 years. As a result, steady state cost for PMIS increased by $4.994M. This, coupled with expanded enhancement requirements prompted, prompted a rebaseline request in FY07.