Commission Reports
A National Dialogue: The Secretary of Education's Commission on the Future of Higher Education

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      A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education
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Final Report of the Secretary's Commission on the Future of Higher Education

Pre-Publication Report—September 2006 download files PDF

Commission Report—8/09/06 Draft download files PDF

Commission Report—8/03/06 Draft download files PDF

Commission Report—7/14/06 Draft download files PDF

Commission Report—6/22/06 Draft download files PDF

Issue papers:

  1. Setting the Context—Charles Miller and Cheryl Oldham download files PDF
  2. Accountability/Assessment—Charles Miller and Geri Malandra download files PDF
  3. Accountability/Consumer Information—Charles Miller download files PDF
  4. Assuring Quality in Higher Education: Key Issues and Questions for Changing Accreditation in the United States—Vickie Schray download files PDF
  5. The Need for Accreditation Reform—Robert C. Dickeson download files PDF
  6. Frequently Asked Questions About College Costs—Robert C. Dickeson download files PDF
  7. Eliminating Complexity and Inconsistency in Federal Financial Aid Programs for Higher Education Students: Towards a More Strategic Approach—Barry D. Burgdorf and Kent Kostka download files PDF
  8. Preparing the Health Workforce—Eleanor Schiff download files PDF
  9. Income of U.S. Workforce Projected to Decline IF Education Doesn't Improve—The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education download files PDF
  10. State Shortfalls Projected to Continue Despite Economic Gains; Long-Term Prospects for Higher Education No Brighter—Dennis Jones download files PDF
  11. Hidden in Plain Sight: Adult Learners Forge a New Tradition in Higher Education—Peter J. Stokes download files PDF
  12. Improving College Readiness and Success for All Students: A Joint Responsibility Between K-12 and Postsecondary Education—Michael W. Kirst and Andrea Venezia download files PDF
  13. Costs, Prices and Affordability—Jane V. Wellman download files PDF
  14. Assuring Quality in Higher Education: Recommendations for Improving Accreditation—Vickie Schray download files PDF
  15. Federal Regulation of Higher Education—Craig W. Parker, Esq download files PDF

Other reports of interest:

  • The Cost of Complexity in Federal Student Aid: Lessons from Optimal Tax Theory and Behavioral Economics—Susan M. Dynarski and Judith E. Scott-Clayton download files PDF
  • Recognized Accrediting Organizations download files PDF
  • Non Academic Issues related to Improving College Access for Underserved Students—Ann Coles download files PDF
  • Education and Workforce Development download files PDF
  • Creating a Higher Education Accountability System: The Texas Experience—Geri H. Malandra download files PDF
  • A Transparent Approach to Higher Education Accountability: Developed and Implemented by The University of Texas System download files PDF
  • Dealing with Affordability: Thoughts for the Affordability Task Force—Richard Vedder download files PDF
  • Four Questions on the Labor Economics of Higher Education—Daniel S. Hamermesh download files PDF

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Last Modified: 05/07/2008