United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM): Working for Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality

UNIFEM is the women’s fund at the United Nations. It provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programmes and strategies to foster women’s empowerment and gender equality. more  et aussi  lea más

Raise Your Voice! Say NO to Violence against Women - add your name to the worldwide petition ... Learn more about the campaign Say NO to Violence against Women Click to be counted
Progress of the World's Women 2008/2009 - Who Answers to Women? Gender & Accountability
Gender Equality Now. Accelerating the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals


  • 07.11.08

    Nujood Ali and Shada Nasser from Yemen nominated as Glamour ‘Women of the Year’ to Help Break Cycle of Early Marriage and Encourage Education

    Nujood Ali was married off to a man in his 30s when she was only nine years old. Many little girls in her native ... more 

  • 07.11.08

    More than 21,000 Say NO to Violence against Women at Rock Festival in Colombia

    At the largest-ever music festival in Latin America, Rock al Parque 2008, more than 160 volunteers collected 21,213 signatures for UNIFEM’s Say NO ... more 

  • 06.11.08

    El Parlamento Salvadoreño Apoya la Campaña Di NO a la Violencia contra las Mujeres

    El 29 de octubre de 2008, en el marco de la XVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y Gobierno realizada en El Salvador, ... lea más

  • 06.11.08

    Women from Mercosur Reaffirm Commitment to Eliminate Violence against Women

    Representatives of governments and civil society organizations from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela added their names to UNIFEM’s Say NO to Violence ... more 

  • 05.11.08

    Ibero-American Youth Ministers Say NO to Violence against Women

    On 30 October 2008, Ministers and Vice Ministers of Youth participating in the XVIII Ibero-American Summit in El Salvador added their names to UNIFEM’s ... more  lea más

UNIFEM Web Portals

Web Portal: Women, War & Peace Web Portal: Gender & HIV/AIDS Web Portal: Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives Web Portal: Gender Equality & the Millennium Development Goals