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Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

Collective Bargaining

Dispute Resolution System Design


Workplace Mediation

Grievance Mediation

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Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management

The Core of the FMCS Mission – Building Sound Labor-Management Relations through Mediation

For over 50 years, FMCS has promoted sound and stable labor-management relations by providing mediation assistance in contract negotiation disputes between employers and their unionized employees.

Collective Bargaining
Dispute mediation -- when a third-party neutral assists two sides in reaching agreement – is a key collective bargaining tool.

Dispute Resolution System Design
Customized systems for better organizational management of conflict and its resolution.

International programs provided by the FMCS

Workplace Mediation
Mediation services designed to address employer/employee disputes focused on equal employment opportunity, age discrimination and other issues outside the scope of collective bargaining.

Grievance Mediation
Resolving workplace grievances before they go to arbitration.

Public Policy & Negotiated Rule Making
Mediation services designed to facilitate open and inclusive rule-making and regulatory-setting processes by government agencies.