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Gene Info

Gene Information For:Mm. Acbd5, Transcribed locus, strongly similar to NP_083069.1 acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 5 isoform c [Mus musculus]
Sequence ID:AK051442

Database Links

UniGeneEntrez GeneSNPViewerAssemblies

Gene Expression Data

Cytogenetic Location (from UniGene)

Cytogenetic Location:Unknown

Chromosomal Position (from UCSC)

Chromosomal Position:2: 22953588 - 22956947

Full-Length MGC Clones for This Gene

IMAGE IdStatusAccession GenBank Def Line
5257773Full LengthBC084584acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 5
5355466Full LengthBC061484acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 5
4221563IncompleteBC035202acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 5
6397577IncompleteBC053518acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 5
30646028IncompleteBC090641acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 5

Protein Infomation

mRNAProteinSwissProtPfam Motifs
NM_001102436 NP_001095906    
NM_001102437 NP_001095907    
NM_001102438 NP_001095908 Q5XG73  
NM_028793 NP_083069   ACBP

Related Sequences

BC035202 AAH35202 Q5XG73
BC053518 AAH53518 Q5XG73
BC061484 AAH61484 Q5XG73
BC084584 AAH84584 Q5XG73
BC090641 AAH90641 Q5CZX6
AK005001 BAB23735 Q5XG73
AK050450 BAC34262 Q5XG73
AK147839 BAE28174 Q5XG73

Homologs (from HomoloGene)

Note: Both orthologs and paralogs are included.
Organism Symbol Protein Homolog Similarity
(% aa unchanged)
Organism Symbol Entrez
Gene Info Protein
M.musculus Acbd5 NP_083069 R.norvegicus LOC679565 679565   XP_001053520 92
R.norvegicus Acbd5 307170   XP_225630 92
H.sapiens ACBD5 91452 Gene Info NP_001035938 83

Gene Ontology
Gene classification by the European Bioinformatics Institute, as recorded in GOA (GO Annotation@EBI)

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