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  Sporting Dog Training 

Image is from the Sept. 1997 cover of "Outdoor Illinois" by IDNR chief photographer (retired) Ben Linkhart. Image features Bill Sowle (left rider) owner of Chinquapin Farm in Menard County, Illinois; Jerry Johnson, President, Illinois Quail Unlimited; pointer male, Sinicarte Harley "Harl" (left dog); and pointer female, Bud’s Perfect Lady "Gracie".

[Dog Training - Public Land]   [ Dog Training - Private Land]    [FAQs]
Manager of Dog Training Program - Terry Musser - E-Mail 

Dog training refers to any teaching or exercising activity involving the classification of dogs commonly referred to as sporting dogs in which the primary purpose is to enhance the field performance of the dogs.  Sporting dogs are utilized for hunting game birds and game mammals and include such dog breeds as pointers, setters, retrievers, and beagles.

Regulations governing the training of sporting dogs varies according to where the training takes place.  For information on training sporting dogs on private land and on Designated Dog Training Areas, see Sporting Dog Training on Private Land.  For information on sporting dog training on selected Public Land sites, see Sporting Dog Training on Public Land.

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