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National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health. Providing clinical and translational researchers with the training and tools they need to transform basic discoveries into improved human health.

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NCRR's Division of Biomedical Technology supports research to develop innovative technologies and helps make them accessible to the biomedical research community.

NCRR's Division of Research Infrastructure supports programs to enhance the competitiveness of investigators in underserved states and institutions and also provides funding to build, expand, remodel, or renovate research facilities throughout the nation.

NCRR's Science Education Partnership Awards are designed to improve life science literacy throughout the nation.

NCRR's Division for Clinical Research Resources provides funding to biomedical research institutions to establish and maintain specialized clinical research facilities and clinical-grade biomaterials that enable clinical and patient-oriented research.

NCRR's Division of Comparative Medicine helps meet the needs of biomedical researchers for high-quality, disease-free animals and specialized animal research facilities.

Institutional Training Grants

NCRR supports translational research through several comparative medicine programs that relate to the use of animal models in biomedical research. As part of this effort, veterinary schools and other institutions are encouraged to apply for grants that support Postdoctoral Programs (T32), Predoctoral Programs (T32), and Summer Programs for Veterinary Students (T35), which are described below. Potential applicants should consult the relevant Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) originally published in the NIH Guide, the relevant NCRR Division's Program Guidelines, and the NIH instructions for preparation of a paper PHS398 applicationexternal link, opens in new window (or electronic SF424 applicationexternal link, opens in new window in the near future). Applications should be relevant to that Division's Program Areas. Examples of already funded training grants to institutions are listed in each Division's Resource Directory. For guidance in preparing an application, please consult the Health Scientist Administrator identified within the FOA and listed under Program Contacts.

Postdoctoral Programs for Veterinarians (T32)

These grant programs train highly qualified veterinarians for research careers in biomedical areas related to comparative medicine. This training may be incorporated into the requirements for a research degree program. The research accomplished under this training program should provide the trainee with the necessary tools to successfully compete for independent grant funding (often a K01 or K99). Stipends are provided according to the NRSA schedule. READ MORE >>

Predoctoral Programs for Veterinarians (T32)

These grants support veterinary students for one year's immersion in hypothesis-based laboratory animal medicine, comparative medicine, or pathology. All training activities must be on a full-time basis during the year away from clinical instruction for the D.V.M. degree. This training may be incorporated into the requirements for a M.S. or Ph.D. degree program. Stipends are provided according to the NRSA schedule. Potential Principal Investigators should consult with the appropriate member of NCRR's Division of Comparative Medicine staff before applying for this grant. READ MORE >>

Summer Programs for Veterinary Students (T35)

These grants provide research training experiences for selected veterinary students for periods of 2-3 months. The objective is to attract highly qualified veterinary students to biomedical and biobehavioral research careers. They are intended to introduce students to research in cases where they might not otherwise have an opportunity to gain such experience. Trainee stipends are provided according to the National Research Service Awards (NRSA) schedule. Grants may be requested for up to 5 years and are renewable. READ MORE >>

Contact Information

For further information about clinical research career development support from NCRR, please contact:

Raymond R. O’Neill, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Division of Comparative Medicine
National Center for Research Resources
National Institutes of Health
One Democracy Plaza, Room 952
6701 Democracy Boulevard, MSC 4874
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4874 (20817 for express mail)
Telephone: 301-435-0749
Fax: 301-480-3819

Manuel H. Moro, D.V.M, Ph.D.
Health Scientist Administrator
Division of Comparative Medicine
National Center for Research Resources
National Institutes of Health
One Democracy Plaza, Room 956
6701 Democracy Boulevard, MSC 4874
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4874 (20817 for express mail)
Telephone: 301-435-0960
Fax: 301-480-3819

William T. Watson D.V.M., M.S.
Health Scientist Administra
Division of Comparative Medicine
National Center for Research Resources
National Institutes of Health
One Democracy Plaza, Room 954
6701 Democracy Boulevard, MSC 4874
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4874 (20817 for express mail)
Telephone: 301-435-0743
Fax: 301-480-3819

National Center for Research Resources • 6701 Democracy Boulevard MSC 4874 • Bethesda MD 20892-4874 • 301-435-0888
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