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Tools for Developing an APSR for States

  • CFSP/APSR Reporting Schedule for States and Tribes (PDF - 24 KB) - Please note that 45 CFR 1357.16(b) specifically says:
    The State and Indian Tribe must send the APSR and the CFS-101 to the appropriate ACF Regional Office no later than June 30 of the year prior to the fiscal year in which the services will be provided.

  • State Checklist for the Child and Family Service Plan (CFSP)/Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR) (PDF - 96 KB). Please note: This checklist was developed to help States ensure their APSR submission includes all required elements. Items on the checklist have been shortened; see the Program Instruction for a complete description. The item’s location in the Program Instruction is provided.

  • State Requirements for FY 2009 APSR - An APSR must include all of the information outlined on this page. Missing or incomplete information will result in the withholding of funds for the programs affected, until such time as approval can be granted by the Administration for Children and Families.

  • PI-08-03 - Summarizes the reporting requirements under title IV-B, subparts 1 and 2 and Section 477 of title IV-E of the Social Security Act, CAPTA, and Federal regulations at 45 CFR Part 1357 so that States may receive their allotments of Federal funds for fiscal year (FY) 2009 (subject to the availability of appropriations). (PDF - 141 KB)

  • Required Forms
    The CFS-101 provides both a format and instructions for documenting the requirements of the annual report required for a five-year comprehensive Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) in order for the State to receive funding.

  • Programs Covered in the CFSP/APSR

  • Consultation with Tribes

  • Additional Information to Support Successful CFSPs and APSRs

  • Information on Fiscal Requirements for a Grant Award

  • Historical Documents Regarding State CFSP/APSR Submittals - Each year a new Program Instruction is issued to inform States about the specific requirements of the CFSP/APSR for the upcoming year. Since requirements may be added through legislation, the Program Instructions clarify when new requirements are added and provide specific information about how to respond to the requirements. A review of historical documents may provide information about why certain requirements were added to the CFSP/APSR in a particular year.

  • National Child Welfare Training and Technical Assistance Network - There are seven National Resource Centers (NRCs) and AdoptUsKids funded by the Children's Bureau (CB), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. All the NRCs provide free, onsite training and technical assistance (T/TA) to State and Tribal child welfare agencies focused on core areas related to the Child and Family Services Plans and the Child and Family Services Reviews.

  • Technical Assistance Plan - A suggested matrix is provided for States to begin to think about their technical assistance plan for the short and long term. The ACF Regional Office can offer suggestions and approval when required for utilizing Children's Bureau technical assistance providers. Technical assistance providers should always be consulted as plans are developed regarding their availability and for suggestions on the plan. (PDF - 43 KB) or (Word - 37 KB)

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