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Providing grant information to current and prospective HHS grantees

Action Transmittals
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Action Transmittals are used by the Office of Grants to organize and disseminate information to both the operating divisions within HHS as well as the general public. This vehicle is used, where appropriate, to circulate grants administration, cost reimbursement and contract procedures, policy interpretations, and general information.

Action Transmittals by their very nature are not subject to the formal notice and comment requirements of rulemaking under the Administrative Procedures Act because they transmit interpretive rules or general statements of policy.

These Transmittals are named by federal fiscal year and a sequential number (e.g., Action Transmittal 2000-1, 98-1, 98-2, etc.).

  • Action Transmittal 2000-2 – Late Audit Reports (HTML) (PDF) [8kb]
  • Action Transmittal 2000-1 – Changes in the Treatment of Research Costs Related to Animal Facilities (HTML) (PDF) [8kb]
  • Action Transmittal 99-1 – Use of Electronically Imaged Record Storage (HTML) (PDF) [8kb]
  • Action Transmittal 98-2 – Compliance with "Benefitting Program" (HTML) (PDF) [5kb]
  • Action Transmittal 98-1 – Establishment of a Departmental Action Transmittal System for the Office of Grants and Acquisition Management (HTML) (PDF) [5kb]

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