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HUD's Compliance Actions FAQs

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Q: What types of sanctions can HUD impose against individuals and entities that participate in HUD programs?

A: There are essentially three types of sanctions:

  • Limited Denials of Participation (LDPs) are sanctions of the shortest duration usually lasting one year and normally restricted to a specific geographic area and specific HUD program area. Generally, HUD Field Offices impose LDPs.
  • Suspensions are imposed for a temporary period, pending the outcome of an investigation, an indictment or on adequate evidence that support claims of program violations. A suspension means that an individual or entity is immediately excluded from participating in further Federal Executive Branch procurement and non-procurement programs. Suspension frequently leads to debarment.
  • Debarments are the most serious compliance sanctions, generally imposed for three-years or longer, if warranted. A debarred individual or entity is excluded from conducting further business with any Federal Executive Branch procurement and non-procurement program. If a suspension precedes debarment, the suspension period is taken into consideration when determining the total length of time that debarment is imposed.
Q: What are some of the program violations that can lead to suspension and debarment?

A: Suspension and debarment are imposed for serious HUD program violations, which include bribery, false statements, embezzlement, theft and forgery. For more information, see Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 180 and 2424.

Q: What occupations could be sanctioned by HUD?

A: Generally, all occupations relating to the area of housing. Some of these include: appraisers, home inspectors, real estate agents, brokers, loan officers, builders, developers, landlords, investors, and management agents.

Q: Where can I find information about individuals and entities that are currently excluded from participating in Government business?

A: The General Services Administration (GSA), a Federal agency, is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to compile and maintain a list of parties debarred, suspended, or disqualified by Federal agencies. To visit this website, go to http://epls.gov.

Q. Who at HUD can help with questions about HUD's suspension and debarment actions?

A. Call James Beaudette, Director of the Departmental Enforcement Center's Compliance Division, at (202) 708-3856, Ext. 3526.

Content current as of 1 January 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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