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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards

Stahl, James

Institution: Massachusetts General Hospital
Grant Title: Organ Replacement Technology Analysis Project
Grant Number: K08 HS011637
Duration: 4 years (2003-2007)
Total Award: $519,500

Project Description: The purpose of this project is to develop a model of the liver allocation system to evaluate the costs, effectivenesses and systemic implications of non-cadaveric organ replacement technologies (ORT). Using a previously developed and verified model of the current liver allocation system, this model will be expanded and used to examine the following 3 aims:

  1. To determine the role and cost-effectiveness of ORTs that are functionally equivalent to cadaveric organs.
  2. To determine the role and cost-effectiveness of ORTs that are temporary or not as effective as cadaveri organ.
  3. To examine liver allocation policy with/without ORTs from the perspective of game theory and ethics.

Career Goals: Dr. Stahl is a Physician in General Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. He wants to establish himself as an independent investigator in academic medicine. Through the K award, the grantee plans to acquire the structure and means to develop the theoretical and methodological expertise and body of work necessary to reach his career goal.

Progress to Date: Dr. Stahl has validated the baseline organ allocation model, incorporated a new pre-transplant survival model based on findings, and updated the transportation module of the model. His work was published in Medical Decision Making. Dr. Stahl also developed a simulated liver allocation market with which to conduct economic experiments.

Future Plans: Dr. Stahl will continue analyzing findings from his simulated liver allocation market research. He will continue working on manuscripts for peer-reviewed journal publications. He will also begin courses at the Harvard School of Public Health and continue directed readings in ethics and pharmacoeconomics.

Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:

  • Professional Societies:
    • Member, American Medical Association.
    • Member, Society of General Internal Medicine.
    • Member, Medical Decision Making.

K-Generated Publications:

  • Stahl JE, Kong N, Schecter SM, et al. A Methodological Framework for Optimally Re-organizing Liver Transplant Regions. Medical Decision Making 2005:25:35-46.
  • Stahl JE, Egan MT, Goldman JM, et al. Introducing new technology into the OR: Measuring the impact on job performance and satisfaction. Surgery 2005;137(5):518-26.

AHRQ Research Portfolios: Care Management; Socio-economics of Health Care; Training.
AHRQ Goals: Efficiency

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