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Compliance Assurance

One of AQMD's key tasks is to assure compliance with air quality rules and regulations and with state and federal air quality statutes to achieve and sustain air quality standards throughout the South Coast Air Basin.

AQMD does this through a multi-faceted effort that couples traditional enforcement activities -- such as inspections and public complaint response -- with a full range of educational and technical assistance programs.

Traditional Enforcement

Under clean air law, the federal EPA has set health-based standards for ambient air quality. AQMD's mission is to develop and maintain a plan for reducing pollution to meet those standards and to implement that plan though adopting regulations that set emissions limits. AQMD administers these regulations through air pollution control permits that set emissions limits and operating conditions on some 30,000 individual facilities.

AQMD inspects facilities periodically to ensure that permit operating conditions and emissions limits are being met and maintained. Inspectors also respond to air quality complaints reported by the public. According to AQMD's compliance policy, when inspectors find violations they will write either a Notice of Violation (usually emissions-related), which can involve penalties, or a Notice to Comply (usually administrative in nature), which does not carry penalties as long as the facility owners/operators make any needed corrections in a timely manner.

In handling violations, AQMD carefully considers all the facts and circumstances under its General Compliance Policy. If a facility has a good compliance record and other requirements are met, the violation may be resolved under AQMD's Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) Policy, which allows the use of measures which will create a direct or indirect air pollution benefit, instead of cash, as a form of civil penalty. AQMD also gives special treatment under its Self-Auditing Penalty Policy to facilities that promptly report violations discovered through self-auditing, including a waiver or significant reduction of civil penalties.

Assistance Emphasized

As AQMD continues its traditional enforcement efforts with a steady commitment to inspecting large facilities, there is an increasing emphasis on education and technical assistance, particularly with small- and medium-sized businesses. Among the many forms of assistance now available are:

  • Compliance Assistance Classes explaining how to follow the rules;
  • Technical consultations during which AQMD will make recommendations on how to comply most economically without the fear of enforcement action as long as compliance is achieved in a reasonable time; and
  • Loan guarantees for small businesses that must purchase pollution control equipment.

AQMD has also moved to streamline its permit application review process, and to provide more regulatory flexibility through market-based compliance options (such as scrapping old cars).

High Compliance Level

AQMD has found that the vast majority of businesses in the region do their best to comply with air pollution control standards. By emphasizing education and technical assistance, technical consultations, and self-auditing strategies, AQMD helps sources achieve a higher level of compliance with pollution control rules.

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This page updated: August 17, 2004