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Governing Board

The AQMD Governing Board is comprised of thirteen representatives consisting of three appointees (one each by the Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, and Senate Rules Committee) and ten elected officials from the Counties and Cities of the South Coast Air Basin. Click on the government seals or the individual's name to find out more about the Governing Board members.

counties graphic

Board Member

Appointing Authority

Chair: Burke, Dr. William A. Speaker of the Assembly
Vice Chair: Wilson, Dr. S. Roy Riverside County
Antonovich, Michael D. Los Angeles County
Cacciotti, Michael Cities of Los Angeles County, Eastern Region
Campbell, Bill Orange County
Carney, Jane W. Senate Rules Committee
Loveridge, Ronald O. Cities of Riverside County
Lyou, Dr. Joseph K. Governor of California
Ovitt, Gary San Bernardino County
Perry, Jan City of Los Angeles
Pulido, Miguel Cities of Orange County
Reyes Uranga, Tonia Cities of Los Angeles County, Western Region
Yates, Dennis Cities of San Bernardino County

Board Member Assistants and Consultants  - Governing Board Calendar

History of Governing Board Members (PDF, 32k)

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