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Rule 1309.1 Working Group


Synopsis of History:  The Rule 1309.1 Working Group was established by the AQMD Governing Board August 3, 2007, as part of its resolution amending Rule 1309.1.

Working Group Mission:  To provide input and guidance for design of future energy demand and supply analyses, and potential for and barriers to renewable energy use and to provide input to staff on the development of future proposed amendments to Rule 1309.1.

Membership:  The number of members listed in the resolution with the provision that additional members may be added, as appropriate, at the discretion of the AQMD Administrative Committee.    Working Group Members.

Working Group Calendar

Meeting Date Agenda
Aug. 24 Document graphic

(Return to top)

Reporting:  This Working Group reports to the Stationary Source Committee.

Advisory Group Contact Person:  Dr. Elaine Chang (909) 396-3186.