Network for Good
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How does this site work?

This is a website where you can give to your favorite charity/charities and have all your donation records stored and accessible at any time. Our website is safe and secure; we meet the BBB Wise Giving Alliance standards for for charity accountability. In fact, since inception more than 450,000 donors have contributed more than $200 million dollars using the Network for Good giving system!

Why Network for Good?

  • Because it's easier to donate online using our giving system than writing a check and putting it in the mail.
  • Because your giving records are all in one place which makes your life easier at tax time and when you want to give again. Below is a sample of what your donation history looks like after you complete a donation. You can log on at any time to access this information. Learn more.
  • Because it's cost effective for your favorite charity/ies.

Are there fees?

Your donation is to the Network for Good Donor Advised fund. Network for Good re-grants the donation funds to your charity(ies), retaining 4.75% for our mission of training and supporting more than 50,000 nonprofits in their fundraising efforts. If you prefer, you can add a tax-deductible 4.75% grant to Network for Good when you check out so that 100% of the donation amount will be granted to your charity(ies).

How does the money get to the charity?

Your contribution is made to Network for Good, a nonprofit, donor advised fund, which will distribute your donation to the nonprofit organization that you indicated. We work through VeriSign to get payments from your credit card, PayPal, and/or bank accounts. Network for Good mails a check directly to the charity or if they have provided information to u�the donation�is�electronically transmitted through our secure servers to the charities bank account. Donations are sent to charities on the 15th of each month.

Additional Information

*As required by the Internal Revenue Service ('IRS'), Network for Good has exclusive legal control over the donation. In the rare event that a charity you have recommended does not satisfy Network for Good�s criteria for receiving donations (i.e., it has been classified by the IRS as a disqualified supporting organization, it cannot or does not accept donations, is not recognized by the IRS as a public charity, or is not in good standing with federal and state regulators), Network for Good will select an alternate charity to receive your donation funds.

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