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Democracy in Brief

December 2007

December 2007

Democracy in Brief gives a concise account of the intellectual origins, history, and basic values of democratic systems of government. The book touches on topics such as rights and responsibilities of citizens, free and fair elections, the rule of law, the role of a written constitution, separation of powers, a free media, the role of parties and interest groups, military-civilian relations and democratic culture.

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December 2007


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    Democracy and Prosperity

    Established democracies have some of the world’s most dynamic, innovative and productive economies, but questions remain about whether poor or transitioning democracies will be able achieve sustained economic growth and which policies their governments need to pursue to realize that growth.


引言开始The press in our free country is reliable and useful not because of its good character but because of its great diversity. As long as there are many owners, each pursuing his own brand of truth, we the people have the opportunity to arrive at the truth and dwell in the light.引言结束

E.B. White, American journalist and writer

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