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2007 Air Quality Management Plan

The Final 2007 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) is designed to meet both state and federal Clear Air Act planning requirements for all areas under AQMD jurisdiction, including the South Coast Air Basin (Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County) and the Riverside County portion of the Salton Sea Air Basin (including the Coachella Valley). This AQMP focuses on ozone and PM2.5. The AQMP also incorporates significant new scientific data, emission inventories, ambient measurements, control strategies, and air quality modeling. The Final 2007 AQMP is jointly prepared with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). The Final 2007 AQMP was adopted by the AQMD Governing Board on June 1, 2007.

The 2007 AQMP and related documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF files.  To view or print these files you may need to download the free Acrobat Reader.

Final 2007 AQMP
(Complete document excluding appendices) (8.8mb  - PDF)

Title Page (16kb - PDF)

Resolution and Attachment 1 (4.7mb - PDF)

Table of Contents (31kb - PDF)

Preface and Executive Summary (1.7mb - PDF)

Chapter 1 - Introduction (461kb - PDF)

Chapter 2 - Air Quality and Health Effects (1.2mb - PDF)

Chapter 3 - Base Year and Future Emissions (436kb - PDF)

Chapter 4 - AQMP Control Strategy (595kb - PDF)

Chapter 5 - Future Air Quality (781kb - PDF)

Chapter 6 - Clean Air Act Requirements (395kb  - PDF)

Chapter 7 - Implementation (363kb - PDF)

Chapter 8 - Future Air Quality - Desert Nonattainment Areas (362kb - PDF)

Chapter 9 - Contingency Measures (300kb - PDF)

Chapter 10 - Looking Beyond Current Requirements (342kb - PDF)

Chapter 11 - Ultrafine Particles (355kb - PDF)

Chapter 12 - Request to Redesignate the South Coast Air Basin as Extreme Nonattainment and the Coachella Valley Portion of the Salton Sea Air Basin as Severe-15 (319kb PDF)

Glossary (323kb - PDF)

Appendix I - Health Effects ( 280kb - PDF)

Appendix II - Current Air Quality (824kb - PDF)

Appendix III - Base and Future Year Emission Inventories (1.1mb - PDF)

Appendix IV- A - District's Stationary and Mobile Source Control Measures (627kb - PDF)

Appendix IV-B-1 - Air Resources Board's Proposed State Strategy for California's 2007 State Implementation Plan (2.5mb - PDF)

Appendix IV-B-2 - District Staff's Proposed Policy Options to Supplement CARB's Control Strategy (320kb - PDF)

Appendix IV-B-3 - District Implementation of the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (215mb - PDF)

Appendix IV-C Regional Transportation Strategy and Control Measures (1.7mb - PDF)

Appendix V - Modeling and Attainment Demonstrations (3.8mb - PDF)

Appendix VI - Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) (193kb - PDF)

Final Socioeconomic Report for the Final 2007 AQMP

Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Final 2007 AQMP

For information about the 2007 AQMP,
contact Joe Cassmassi

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