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Safety At Dams

IDNR OWR Logo July 20, 2007 Press Release here -

Read the 'Safety at Dams' Study Executive Summary here

For more information on the dangers of low-head dams and to hear the IDNR’s public service announcement please visit here (.mp3 file - you'll need a media player to hear this)

The brochure can be accessed here (.pdf) or go to our online publications site (on the right-side column, the link that reads "new" click on that and it will take you to all our publications). Do a search of "Dam Safety" - this is a free brochure.

Evaluation of Public Safety at Run-of-River Dams, July 2007, Executive Summary PDF (848 Kb) (Use Save As to View)
Evaluation of Public Safety at Run-of-River Dams, July 2007, Main Report PDF (18.05 Mb) (Use Save As to View)

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