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The Power of Outside Intervention

Would a third-party neutral be helpful in discrimination and other non-contract workplace disputes?�


Federal Mediators can serve as an effective intervention in employment disputes ranging from harassment to discrimination.

Employment conflicts stemming from disputes concerning equal employment opportunities, age discrimination or harassment can be effectively managed through third-party mediation.

FMCS mediators bring both problem-solving experience and best-practice approaches to these challenges in both the private and public sectors.

FMCS concluded over 1000 ADR cases for numerous governmental agencies in fiscal year 2002, providing consultation, systems design, training, mediation or facilitation, mentoring/co-mediation, as well as follow-up and program evaluation.

FMCS mediators continue to mediate work place and discrimination complaints for numerous federal agencies such as: Departments of Interior, Agriculture, Navy Immigration & Naturalization Service, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Personnel Management, the Internal Revenue Service, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Peace Corps. We also have had an exclusive agreement with Health & Human Services (HHS) since 1980 to mediate age discrimination complaints under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, for federally funded institutions.

Numerous private sector institutions have contracted with FMCS to deliver similar employment mediation services.


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