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Research Project: Trace-Gas Emissions from Dairy Production Systems Project Number: 3655-12630-002-03
Project Type: Specific Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 28, 2006
End Date: Sep 29, 2009

The objectives of the time frame of 03/29/2007 through 06/28/2007 are: 1) Continue processing, analyzing, and summarizing data from measurement of ammonia emissions from three Wisconsin dairy farms that were completed during winter of 2006-2007; and 2) Plan, prepare, and then begin to implement the repeat measurement of ammonia emissions to be done on these same farms during the summer of 2007.

Air emission measurements will be made periodically over one year from three prominent dairy farm types. Representative dairy operations will be selected from: 1) a pool of dairy farms participating in the National Dairy Emissions Project funded by the National Milk Producers Federation/EPA Consent Agreement (implemented by Purdue University); 2) a pool of dairy farm collaborators in the Air Quality/Odor Emissions Project of Wisconsin's Dept. of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection; & 3) other dairy farms that might bolster ongoing research at DFRC & other dairy research collaborators. Whole-farm emissions may include measurements of ammonia & methane. Emission detectors & other equipment will be purchased & installed to evaluate emissions from each farm operation (whole-farm emissions) three times per year. Specific farm components (housing, manure storage, manure land-spreading) may be evaluated as time, resources, & interests become available. Gas concentration detectors & other equipment with atmospheric physics technology will be used to determine emissions remotely from farm production sites. Multiple detectors as available may be used to compare emission measurements.


Project Team
Coblentz, Wayne
Powell, J Mark
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
Related National Programs
  Manure and Byproduct Utilization (206)
Last Modified: 01/14/2009
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