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Research Project: Management of Nutrients from Beef Feedlots to Protect the Environment

Location: Environmental Management Research

2005 Annual Report

1.What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? What does it matter?
Manure management is a major production cost and can degrade the environment if managed improperly. We want to improve and evaluate alternative feedlot runoff control systems using vegetative treatment areas to reduce costs and simplify management of precipitation runoff. Traditional runoff control systems can be expensive to install and manage, as well as a potential source of odors and groundwater contamination. The distribution of nutrients contained in livestock manures across a feedlot surface or applied to cropland is not uniform due to the nature of the material. Therefore, sampling methods to determine the presence and concentration of nutrients is critical. We have applied electromagnetic induction techniques to sense electrical conductivity, and have mapped entire fields to locate areas of high or low electrical conductivity. These areas were subsequently associated with nutrient content of the soil. The technique has now been extended to evaluate the dynamics of nitrogen mineralization and utilization throughout the growing season on cropland. The maps are also useful in identifying areas of manure accumulation and potential sources of odor. Odor generation measures are being made with a newly developed emissions flux sampler. The combination of contributing area and generation rate should provide critical data to understand the spatial distribution across feedlot pens. There is a need to evaluate the occurrence, transmission, and persistence of zoonotic pathogens and fecal indicators in runoff from beef cattle feedlots applied to grass, a study we have initiated with a collaborator.

2.List the milestones (indicators of progress) from your Project Plan.
Year 1: 2005 Continue evaluation of the original alternative runoff control facility. Design a second alternative runoff control facility and submit to Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality for approval. Develop methodology for surveying feedlot surfaces. Design and initiate an experiment to investigate the impact of cover crop kill date on corn silage production. Complete 12-yr study on manure/compost application to corn silage production area and design soil remediation study to reduce surface phosphorus concentration. Conduct initial survey of demonstration-site vegetative treatment systems using mapping techniques. Develop ammonia flux sampler and test it for efficiency. Develop a sampling protocol for measurement of zoonotic pathogens in a vegetative treatment area.

Year 2: 2006 Continue evaluation of the original alternative runoff control facility. Install and instrument the second alternative control facility. Compare and report the performance of the alternative and traditional runoff control facilities to model predictions. Complete multiple surveys of feedlot surfaces to study the spatial distribution of nutrient accumulation on the surface and develop interim report. Conduct bi-weekly sampling of cover crop kill date site. Establish alfalfa crop to provide phosphorus uptake and sample. Survey vegetative treatment areas using mapping techniques. Collect and analyze data on feedlot surface flux and EMI maps. Collect and analyze data on zoonotic pathogen activity in a vegetative treatment area.

Year 3: 2007 Continue evaluation of the original alternative runoff control facility. Evaluate the performance of the second alternative runoff control facility. Complete multiple surveys of feedlot surfaces to study spatial distribution of nutrients. Conduct bi-weekly sampling of cover crop kill date site and compare to water quality model with interim report. Survey alfalfa phosphorus uptake site, sample crop and soils, and prepare interim report. Survey vegetative treatment areas using mapping techniques and prepare initial report. Collect and analyze data on feedlot surface flux and EMI maps and develop an interim report. Collect and analyze data on zoonotic pathogen activity in a vegetative treatment area.

Year 4: 2008 Continue evaluation of the original alternative runoff control facility and the second facility. Complete report of the performance of both facilities and compare to model predictions. Complete multiple surveys of feedlot surfaces to study spatial distribution of nutrients on feedlot surface. Conduct bi-weekly sampling of cover crop kill date site. Survey alfalfa phosphorus uptake site, sample crop and soils. Collect and analyze data on soil flux and EMI maps. Test ammonia flux sampler on cooperator sites. Collect and analyze data on feedlot surface flux and EMI maps. Collect and analyze data on zoonotic pathogen activity. Determine pathogen survival characteristics of the vegetative treatment area.

Year 5: 2009 Prepare final report of alternative runoff control facility operation and performance of model predictions. Report dynamics of microbial activity on the feedlot surface. Conduct bi-weekly sampling of cover crop kill date site and prepare final report. Survey alfalfa phosphorus uptake site, sample crop and soils, and prepare final report. Survey vegetative treatment areas using mapping techniques and prepare final report. Test ammonia flux sampler on cooperator sites. Report findings of the pathogen survival characteristics of the vegetative treatment area.

4a.What was the single most significant accomplishment this past year?
Alternative Control Technology: The accomplishments listed for this year were based on work initiated under the previous CRIS project. The USEPA recently provided some flexibility in controlling feedlot runoff by using “Alternative Control Technology” (ACT), but information on such a design is very limited. The most significant outcome of this year was a report of the performance of our vegetative treatment area. One of the technologies used to evaluate the performance of that system established lines of equivalent potential for mapping the electrical conductivity of the grass field used as a treatment area (vegetative treatment area). That development has been the basis for expressing the spatial distribution of nutrients for areas either within fields or the feedlot surface, an important relationship for completing the work outlined in the current project objectives and milestones. We have submitted a companion CRIS to extend our field observations in cooperation with a nearby producer with a qualifying ACT system. There is also a newly formed research program as a result of the ACT to evaluate the systems at numerous sites in Iowa, with a second companion CRIS being prepared. If the systems are successfully adopted, they will represent a substantial savings in both installation and operation costs of runoff control for beef cattle feedlots while improving the level of environmental protection.

4b.List other significant accomplishments, if any.

4c.List any significant activities that support special target populations.

4d.Progress report.
Developed a NPDES Permit for MARC for submission to Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, including the outline of alternative runoff control systems used in research program. The control facilities incorporate vegetative treatment areas for systems at the MARC feedlot, at a sheep feeding area, and at a remote site for temporary storage of solids removed from sheep and swine housed facilities. Both E. coli O157 and Campylobacter spp. are shed by cattle housed in the pens, and have been recovered from soils, basin sludge, and basin water. Basin discharge can introduce E. coli O157, Campylobacter spp., and generic E. coli into the VTA. Without additional inputs from the basin, isolation frequencies of E. coli O157 and Campylobacter spp. from VTA soils decrease over time. Similarly, levels of generic E. coli in soil initially decrease rapidly, but lower residual populations may persist for long periods. The isolation of generic E. coli from fresh-cut hay from regions of the VTA that received runoff (3/15 vs. 0/15 control samples) indicates some risk for contamination. E. coli O157 was isolated from only one of 30 treatment samples prior to baling. Neither pathogen was recovered from hay following baling.

Collaborations were initiated with geostataticians from UNL to develop sampling protocols for describing areas within feedlot pens that are accumulating animal waste. The protocol uses high-density, low-cost EMI data co-krigged with soil sample data to describe manure accumulation geospatially. The EMI data was found to be highly correlated with volatile solids. This volatile solids accumulation comprised approximately 30% of the pen surface area. Once these areas have been identified, producers can target their management efforts on these areas.

An inexpensive dynamic flux chamber (cost: <$400 per unit) was developed to measure gaseous emissions from cattle manure in laboratory and field experiments. The hemispherical stainless steel chamber was constructed with an internal gas mixing fan. A port was attached to the chamber top, which facilitated the collection of headspace gas samples for greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds (VOC) by solid phase microextraction (SPME). The chamber was tested to evaluate flow characteristics, and was found to perform very similar to a continuous flow stirred reactor. Thus, concentrations measured at the sampling port were indicative of concentrations anywhere in the headspace. In laboratory and field applications, the inexpensive dynamic flux chamber was easy to use and required little operator input to quickly obtain multiple samples to measure the relative emissions of greenhouse gases, NH3, and VOC from multiple sites in cattle feedlot pens.

Several off-site surveys of ATC were done during the past year. Survey and soil sampling protocols have been developed and refined based on research experience and collaborations with statisticians. Information derived from these surveys was used by design engineers to design runoff control systems for producers in compliance with CAFO regulations.

A ten year research site having a cover crop treatment has yielded valuable data that led to development of a second research site. The second site is in the first year of a study that evaluates the effects of kill-date on the nutrient availability of the primary corn silage crop. This ongoing work is expected to yield valuable information related to optimal timing of cover crop termination. An anticipated by-product of this research is validation data to aid development of a cover crop component to the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM).

5.Describe the major accomplishments over the life of the project, including their predicted or actual impact.
The research reported is conducted under National Program 206, "Manure and Byproduct Utilization," and directly contributes to Emissions Problem Area 3 "Control technologies and strategies research;" Nutrient Management Problem Area 3 "Management tasks for indexing and evaluating nutrient fate and transport;" and Pathogen Problem Area 2b "Pathogen indicators for fate and transport research." Research activities are further related to ARS Strategic Plan Goal 3 "Enhance protection and safety of the Nation's agriculture and food supply;" Objective 3.2, Develop and deliver science-based information to reduce severity of disease outbreaks, and Goal 5 "Protect and enhance the Nation's natural resource base and environment;" Objective 5.2, Provide science-based knowledge and education to improve quality and management of soil, air, and water resources.

The project was initiated in June of this year; accomplishments reflect progress made in the previous project.

6.What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end-user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products?
Presentation entitled "Dust control and air quality management for open cattle feedlots" was presented to NRCS engineers and others attending the "Multi-state Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning Technology Transfer Session" sponsored by NRCS.

Develop NPDES Permit for MARC for submission to Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, including the outline of alternative runoff control systems used in research program.

Biological Engineering Research Unit scientists have been contacted by and presented information on feedlot runoff control-vegetative treatment system and livestock waste management to university professors, extension educators, representatives from beef and pork commodity groups, and representatives other federal and state natural resource and environmental regulatory agencies. Biological Engineering Research Unit scientists are cooperating with Iowa Cattlemen and ISU to evaluate treatment performance of multiple demonstration ATC sites across Iowa using EMI technology. Also completed initial surveys of vegetative treatment areas for feedlots using alternative runoff control facilities for beef cattle feedlots at cooperator sites in Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas.

7.List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below).

Review Publications
Woodbury, B.L., Koelsch, R., Boyd, W., Harner, J., Wulf, L. 2004. Chapter VI - vegetative treatment area design. Book Chapter. www.heartlandwq.iastate.edu/PriorityIssuesAdmin/Attachments/A0000290.pdf.

Nienaber, J.A., George, J., Koelsch, R. 2004. Chapter v - liquid-solid separation. Book Chapter. www.heartlandwq.iastate.edu/PriorityIssuesAdmin/Attachments/A0000291.pdf

Woodbury, B.L., Nienaber, J.A., Eigenberg, R.A. 2005. Effectiveness of a passive feedlot runoff control system using a vegetative treatment area for nitrogen control. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(4):581-588.


Project Team
Eigenberg, Roger
Nienaber, John - Jack
Woodbury, Bryan
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
  FY 2005
Related National Programs
  Manure and Byproduct Utilization (206)
Last Modified: 01/16/2009
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