OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Current Section

Fact Sheet Series 2004 - Community Colleges
Archived Information

The OVAE Fact Sheet Series highlights efforts currently underway at the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) to support the principles of the President's No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The principle(s) supported by this effort are:

  • Increase Options and Involvement for Parents and Students
  • Focus on What Works


Community colleges are uniquely positioned to contribute to state and local workforce development. This project will research those indicators, policies, and practices that support labor-market responsiveness and provide reports and a handbook for use by community colleges to focus on what works.


This initiative will provide information and tools that will enable community colleges, as a unique component of America's education and training system, to keep pace with the needs of a diverse student body and a dynamic labor market and design programs and services that promote individual student success as well as economic competitiveness.

Outcomes and Products

  • The "Market Responsive" Community College, a report that defines the characteristics of a market-driven college and identify the indicators and measures that can be used to determine the extent to which a college is market-driven.
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (198K) [downloadable files] PDF (152K)

  • The 21st Century Community College: A Strategic Guide to Maximizing Labor Market Responsiveness, a guide that will assist colleges wishing to become more market driven, to include:
    Volume 1: Unleashing the Power of the Community College
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (224K) [downloadable files] PDF (1019K)
    Volume 2:Promising Practices and Lessons from the Field
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (403K) [downloadable files] PDF (1814K)
    Volume 3: Self-Assessment Tools and Resources
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (323K) [downloadable files] PDF (642K)

  • Research Appendices to the 21st Century Community College, a compendium of cross-college analyses and profiles of 30 colleges across ten labor markets examined to produce the Strategic Guide, as well as a discussion of measures kept by the colleges and their utility for assessing and improving labor market responsiveness.
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (2871K)

FY2002 to FY2004



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Last Modified: 08/28/2007