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Figure 7.7 is titled "Substances for Which Persons Aged 12 or Older Received Treatment in the Past Year: 2003." It is a bar graph, where the horizontal axis represents the number, in thousands, receiving treatment for a specific substance, and the vertical axis represents the specific substances. There are ten substances: Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine, Pain Relievers, Stimulants, Heroin, Hallucinogens, Tranquilizers, Inhalants, and Sedatives.

The number of persons, in thousands, receiving treatment for substance use in the past year was 2,163 for alcohol use, 975 for marijuana use, 557 for cocaine use, 415 for pain reliever use, 344 for stimulant use, 281 for heroin use, 278 for hallucinogen use, 252 for tranquilizer use, 135 for inhalant use, and 107 for sedative use.

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