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Figure 7.1 is titled "Past Year Substance Dependence or Abuse among Persons Aged 12 or Older: 2002 and 2003." It is a bar graph, where the horizontal axis represents substance dependence or abuse by year, and the vertical axis represents the number in millions. Within each dependence or abuse by year category, the bar is separated into three sections of substance type: Both Alcohol and Illicit Drug, Illicit Drug Only, and Alcohol Only.

In 2002, the number of persons with dependence or abuse of both alcohol and illicit drugs was 3.2 million, of illicit drugs only was 3.9 million, and of alcohol only was 14.9 million.
In 2003, the number of persons with dependence or abuse of both alcohol and illicit drugs was 3.1 million, of illicit drugs only was 3.8 million, and of alcohol only was 14.8 million.
In 2002, the number of persons with dependence on both alcohol and illicit drugs was 1.3 million, on illicit drugs only was 3.3 million, and on alcohol only was 6.9 million.
In 2003, the number of persons with dependence on both alcohol and illicit drugs was 1.1 million, on illicit drugs only was 3.3 million, and on alcohol only was 6.5 million.

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