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Figure 5.2 is titled "Annual Numbers of New Users of Ecstasy, LSD, and PCP: 1965–2002." It is a line graph, where the horizontal axis represents year, and the vertical axis represents the number of new users, in thousands. There are three lines on the graph corresponding to the three types of drugs.

Due to low precision, there were no estimates reported on the number of new Ecstasy users until 1979 when there were 39,000 new Ecstasy users. The number increased fairly slowly until 1996 when there were 406,000 new users, and then it sharply increased to 1.8 million in 2001. There was a large drop to 1.1 million new Ecstasy users in 2002.

Due to low precision, there were no estimates reported on the number of new PCP users until1969, when there were 71,000 new users. This peaked in 1976 with 505,000 new users. The number of new PCP users hit a low in 1993 with 68,000, and then increased to 191,000 in 2001 before dropping to 131,000 in 2002.

The number of new users of LSD in 1965 was 40,000, which increased to 894,000 in 1972. This decreased to 595,000 in 1976, and then bounced between 552,000 and 872,000 until 2000. By 2002, the number of new LSD users dropped to 272,000.

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