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Figure 4.6 is titled "Past Month Cigarette Use among Persons Aged 12 or Older, by County Type: 2003." It is a bar graph, where the horizontal axis represents county type, and the vertical axis represents the percentage using in the past month. County type is broken down into two groups, and then further broken down into five categories within those groups; Metropolitan Areas includes Large counties and Small counties, and Nonmetropolitan Areas includes Urbanized counties, Less Urbanized counties, and Rural counties. For each county type, the percentage with past month cigarette use among persons aged 12 or older is as follows:

Among persons in large metropolitan counties, 23.7% smoked cigarettes in the past month.
Among persons in small metropolitan counties, 26.9% smoked cigarettes in the past month.
Among persons in urbanized nonmetropolitan counties, 29.6% smoked cigarettes in the past month.
Among persons in less urbanized nonmetropolitan counties, 27.1% smoked cigarettes in the past month.
Among persons in rural nonmetropolitan counties, 28.0% smoked cigarettes in the past month.

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