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Figure 4.5 is titled "Past Month Cigarette Use among Youths Aged 12 to 17, by Race/Ethnicity: 2003." It is a bar graph, with the following note below the graph: "Due to low precision, estimates for Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders are not shown." The horizontal axis of the graph represents race/ethnicity, and the vertical axis represents the percentage using in the past month. For each race/ethnicity category, the percentage of 12 to 17 year olds using cigarettes in the past month is as follows:

The percentage of white youths with past month cigarette use was 14.7%.
The percentage of black or African American youths with past month cigarette use was 6.9%.
The percentage of American Indian or Alaska Native youths with past month cigarette use was 23.2%.
The percentage of Asian youths with past month cigarette use was 3.7%.
The percentage of youths with two or more races with past month cigarette use was 12.9%.
The percentage of Hispanic or Latino youths with past month cigarette use was 8.8%.

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