Welcome from Governor Schweitzer

Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer

On behalf of all who serve in state government and all the people of Montana, I welcome you to mt.gov - Montana's Official State Website. Tour these web pages to find information about our initiatives, as well as travel destinations, business creation and relocation, and links to Montana's state agencies.

History, Arts & Culture

Montana Flag

State Maps

snippet of a Montana map

Find out where you are going with our collection of Montana maps. We have highway maps, park maps, bicycle maps, interactive maps and land ownership maps. You can also find your legislative districts, federal lands, Indian reservations and see a map of the Capitol Complex in Helena.

Census Information

pencil and forms

As of July 1, 2006, Montana's population was 944,632.

Roads & Weather

Tree against a foggy, snowy background

Folks who live in Montana know how important the weather is in planning for safe travel and outdoor activities. See what the current road and weather conditions are and weather forecasts for the state.

Montana Kids' Pages

Montanakids.com logo

Curious about Montana from a kid's point of view? Here are some great links for for school report information or just plain fun!

Native American Resources

Native American Girl

Montana Indian reservations are strongholds of Native American heritage. Learn more about the culture, events and attractions on these reservations including arts, education, genealogy, heritage, language, music, news, events and tribal governments and nations.