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Evidence and Witness Examination in Arbitration
December 14 and 15, 2009
FMCS National Office
2100 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20427
Registration Fee: $650.00
Early bird: $600.00 if registered by November 14, 2009

This class will only be offered once this year.

To maximize the small group quality of the program, the course will be limited to the first 25 registrants. 

Course Information:
This new two-day course offering a special emphasis on evidence and witness examination in labor arbitration expands upon the Institute's basic course on Arbitration for Advocates. Designed for those who have had some experience in labor arbitration, the course also should be helpful for those advancing to more complex disputes.

The course has been developed by longtime FMCS Institute instructors who are members of the National Academy of Arbitrators, and who will be the principal faculty for the program.  

Those participating in the course will participate in a series of interactive exercises and model scenarios designed to sharpen  case-handling skills and familiarity with recurring issues.

Topics include:

  • Anticipating problems of proof
  • Preparing witnesses for direct examination
  • Cross-examining adverse witnesses
  • Demonstrating negotiating history and past practice
  • Using subpoenas to obtain documents
  • Making and responding to objections
  • Applying the hearsay rule and its exceptions
  • Laying a foundation and introducing exhibits
  • Drawing inferences
  • Crafting demonstrative evidence
  • Referring to prior inconsistent statements
  • Qualifying expert testimony
  • Refreshing witness recollection

Each person attending will receive a comprehensive packet of instructional material and guidelines. Upon completion, an FMCS Certificate of Training will be provided. 

Faculty and Course Designers:

  • Margaret Brogan, Arbitrator & Mediator (Narberth, PA), National Academy of Arbitrators
  • Barry Winograd, Arbitrator & Mediator (Oakland, CA), National Academy of Arbitrators

For online course registration, please click here.

FMCS Institute for Conflict Management (202) 606-3627 or (206) 553-2773.

Arbitration for Advocates

Arbitration for Advocates in the Federal Sector

Becoming a Labor Arbitrator

Evidence and Witness Examination in Arbitration

The Generational Mix in the Workplace

Mediation Skills for the Workplace

Negotiation Skills

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