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Judge Susan Pierson Sonderby

Courtroom 642
Chambers: (312) 435-5646
Courtroom Deputy: (312) 435-5647
Chambers: Everett McKinley Dirksen United States Courthouse
219 South Dearborn Street
Chambers 638
Chicago, IL  60604

Staff: Karen Jacobs
Courtroom Deputy
Kim Krawczyk
Law Clerk
Linda Green
Law Clerk

NOTICE regarding the filing of reaffirmation agreements concerning personal property where the debtor has not been represented by counsel in connection therewith:

Part E - Motion for Court Approval, which is contained in the reaffirmation form, must be completed in full and signed. A separate notice of motion (which is not contained in the reaffirmation form) must be prepared, signed, served upon the appropriate parties, and filed with the court, together with a certificate of service, all in accordance with Local Bankruptcy Rule 9013-3. If you have questions concerning this procedure, the Bankruptcy Assistance Desk is available in Room 622.

Procedures for Cases Assigned to Judge Susan Pierson Sonderby

Hearings on Motions


Kmart Megacase Information, Kimball Hill Megacase Information

Motions in Chapter 7 and 11 Cases:

  Original (New) Motions Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.
  Continued Motions and
Set Matters
Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.

Motions and Confirmation Hearings in Chapter 13 Cases:

  Original (New) Motions Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.
  Continued Matters Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
  Confirmations Hearings Thursdays at 10:15 a.m.

Requests to set a hearing on an emergency motion shall be made to the courtroom deputy (312-435-5647) with as much advance notice as possible. All reasonable efforts must be made to give actual notice to opposing counsel. All emergency motions must comply with Standing Order No. 13

Responses to motions filed in cases under any chapter shall include the hearing date in the caption. See Local Bankruptcy Rule 5005-3(B)(3).
Motions Granted in Chambers Some motions will be noted on the court call as “to be granted without a hearing unless a party objecting to the motion asks that it be called.” A list of these motions will be read by the courtroom deputy in the courtroom prior to Judge Sonderby taking the bench. If no party requests that the motion be called, it will be granted without a hearing. If a party asks the courtroom deputy to call the motion, the motion will then be heard in open court.
Courtesy Copies Not required unless the document (inclusive of exhibits) exceeds 50 pages.
Motions for Relief from Automatic Stay All motions for relief from the automatic stay must be accompanied by a Statement of Default in accordance with General Order dated February 17, 2004.
Motion to Continue Stay in Effect All motions to continue the automatic stay in effect pursuant to 11 U.S.C. sec. 362(c)(3) or to impose the automatic stay under sec. 362(c) (4) must comply with Standing Order No. 14.
Motions for Approval of Attorneys' Fees

 Cases filed under Chapters 7, 11 and 12:

  All attorneys or other professionals in cases filed under chapters 7, 11 and 12 seeking approval of their fees must submit an itemization of their time in tenths of an hour and in the format required under Local Bankruptcy Rule 5082-1.

Cases filed under Chapter 13:

  All attorneys seeking approval of their fees in Chapter 13 cases filed on or after May 1, 2007 must file an application in accordance with General Order No. 07-02 entered 4/26/07. Fees up to $3,500 will be awarded through completion of the case without itemization of services provided that the application reflects that debtor entered into the current Model Retention Agreement.

For approval of fees in Chapter 13 cases filed prior to May 1, 2007, attorneys must file an application with an itemization of their time in tenths of an hour, unless they choose Option A or Option B for flat fees as described in the court’s Standing Order entered 9/28/05.

With respect to copy and facsimile charges, see Standing Order No. 8.
Pretrial Procedures Discussed in open court on a case-by-case basis.
Trial Procedures Pursuant to trial order entered after consultation with the parties in open court.