:: Honorable Carol A. Doyle, Chief Judge ::
:: Kenneth S. Gardner, Clerk of the Court ::
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Voice Case Information System - VCIS

Toll Free (888) 232-6814 or (312) 408-5089

VCIS provides the public a means of obtaining the most requested case information automatically.  This voice case information system can be accessed from any touch tone telephone between 5:00 am - 7:00 pm.  A computer and modem are NOT necessary.

To search for a participant in a bankruptcy case:
Type the name using the letters above the keys on your telephone.
Type the last name followed by the first name and middle initial if any.
Ignore any spaces or non letter characters.
Use the 1 key for the letters Q and Z.
Press Pound (#) when done.

To search by bankruptcy case number:
Type the case number using the numbers on your telephone.
Omit any spaces or dashes.
Press Pound (#) when done.

General Information Available
  • Case Number
  • Debtor Name
  • Chapter
  • Debtor Attorney
  • Trustee
  • Presiding Judge
  • Asset/No Asset
  • Filing Date
  • 341 Meeting Date
  • Discharge / Dismissal Date
  • Closing Date
NOTE : Docket information is NOT available with this system.