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Tips, Techniques, and Technology for Using FPLS Data


Minnesota's Employer Table (available in PDF)

Arizona's Automated Wage Withholding Process (available in PDF)

Washington's FCR Interface Process (available in PDF)

Virginia's NDNH Screen (available in PDF)

Minnesota's New Hire Compliance (available in PDF)

Arizona's Audit Process for New Hire Reporting (revised 5/8/2000) (available in DOC)

Utah's Creative Uses of NDNH Data (available in DOC)

Iowa and the Family Violence Indicator (available in DOC)

Iowa's Federal Case Registry (FCR) Screen (available in DOC)

Delaware's Automation of FPLS Responses (available in DOC)

Alaska's Statewide Law Enforcement Seizure Program (available in DOC)

States' Successes Using MSFIDM (available in DOC)

Texas Cleans Up Its Quarterly Wage Data (available in DOC)

The FV Indicator Override and Maryland as the Placing State (available in DOC)

Idaho's Automation of Responses from the FPLS (available in DOC)

Texas Study on the Accuracy of NDNH Matches (available in DOC)

Florida's Automated FIDM Tracking Process (available in DOC)

Missouri's Approach to Family Violence for Non-TANF Applicants (available in PDF)

The FCR Reconciliation File (available in PDF)

Vermont's Automated Income Withholding Process Using NDNH Data (available in PDF)

Virginia's Use of the NDNH and FCR Data (available in PDF)

Utah Quarterly Wage - Unemployment Insurance Claim Provider Address Cleanup (available in HTML)

Automated Quarterly Wage Income Withholdings (West Virginia and Washington) (available in HTML)

New York's Financial Institution Data Match and Automated Asset Seizure Program (available in HTML)

Colorado's Financial Institution Data Match Program (available in HTML)

The State of Illinois' Use of Automation in Its Processes (available in HTML)

Employer Database Best Practices (available in HTML)

Impact Assessment of Texas' Employer New Hire Outreach (available in DOC)

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Last modified: July 01, 2003