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Farewell Message From the Executive Director

This will be my last message to you as the executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans.

Over the course of my tenure in this office, I have made many friends and developed new relationships—many that will be lasting. I am grateful for the hundreds of acquaintances I encountered along the way. Your friendly smiles, positive thoughts and good wishes were a constant source of strength and encouragement. I was often inspired by your selfless example and tireless efforts to serve our children, youths and families. I am convinced more than ever that it will be you and the diverse group of organizations you each represent that will pave the way to improving the education outcomes for Hispanic children. You all represent a wealth of human capital, ingenuity and experience from which our nation must draw in order to close the academic achievement gap—once and for all. Our nation's prosperity depends on it.

Our work is far from being complete, however, and we face enormous challenges ahead. But, they are not insurmountable. I leave this position with a strong sense of optimism and more encouraged than ever that the educational excellence we seek for all our children is within our reach. I have witnessed it in the work you conduct in communities, cities, and towns all across this great nation. I am grateful for these experiences and will treasure them forever.

I am grateful to President George W. Bush for granting me the opportunity and the privilege to serve the American people in one of the most critical issues of our time. It is a responsibility I took very seriously. There is nothing more profound that can transform the social and economic wellbeing of a child, a family or a community in just one generation than the achievement of a quality education.

I also value and deeply appreciate the dedication and commitment of the White House Initiative staff—past and present—who contributed very significantly to our work. The U.S. Department of Education was also instrumental in helping this office fulfill its mission. Thank you.

Given its priority in my life and career, education reform is not something from which I can easily walk way. I owe it to you, our community, and the nation to continue this work in the future. Until our paths cross again, please accept my best wishes and heartfelt thanks for permitting me to be part of this important journey.

–Adam Chavarria


White House Initiative in Transition

The White House Initiative is currently in transition. In anticipation of the change in the administration on Jan. 20, 2009, this office has suspended the Partnership for Hispanic Family Learning network and deactivated the partnership enrollment link on

Current partners will receive electronic communications from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Communications and Outreach.

For information about Hispanic education, bilingual education resources or the White House Initiative transition, contact the White House Initiative main number at 202-401-1411, or visit the U.S. Department of Education's Web site at


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Last Modified: 01/16/2009