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Woodrow Wilson Senior High School
Adopt-A-School Program

Woodrow Wilson Senior High School, founded in 1935, is Washington, D.C.'s largest comprehensive public high school and is known for its academic excellence and for its geographic, ethnic and economic diversity. Dr. Donald A.B. Lindberg, Director of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and Dr. Stephen Tarason, principal of Woodrow Wilson Senior High School formally announced a partnership between the NLM and the Woodrow Wilson Senior High School on January 21, 2000. This partnership encourages students to take an active interest in consumer health and promotes interest in science.

NLM is involved in many projects with Wilson Senior High School and provides support in the following areas:

  • Online training about NLM databases
  • Summer internships for students
  • Library resources enrichment
  • Faculty enrichment
  • Web page design
  • Donation of technological books & periodicals
  • Guest lectures
  • NIH/NLM Speakers Bureau
  • NLM Tours
Woodrow Wilson Senior High School is on the web at:

Press Release: NLM "Adopts" D.C.'s Woodrow Wilson Senior High School:

Last updated: 05 May 2005
First published: 05 May 2005
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