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Sacred Root: Native American Information Internship Pilot Program

The Native American Information Internship Program provides an opportunity for representatives from American Indian tribes, Native Alaskan villages, and the Native Hawaiian community to learn about the National Library of Medicine, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine and to use that knowledge to improve access to health information and technology for their communities.

This program provides:

  • Training in the use of information resources
  • Instruction in managing information outreach projects
  • Information about potential funding opportunities, and most importantly
  • Connection with people and programs that might provide support and assistance in the future

Two interns with complementary backgrounds in health and information technology are selected from each tribe. They spend two weeks at NLM in standard training classes and meetings with a wide variety of staff, depending upon their specific interests. During the year, the interns continue their professional duties with their respective tribes or organizations, but also have an opportunity to attend conferences, meetings, and training programs throughout the country. They visit their Regional Medical Library to establish a relationship with them and also may observe successful outreach projects funded by NLM. At the end of the internship, the two interns develop an information-related project for their tribe or community. NLM works with them on the proposal development and then funds the project. NLM will continue to monitor the projects developed by the interns and help them develop the capacity of their organization.

The first set of interns from the Three Affiliated Tribes, Ft. Berthold, North Dakota, started in January 2002. In 2003 NLM hosted two interns from the Nez Perce tribe of Idaho, and in 2004 NLM hosted two Native Hawaiian interns.

Last updated: 09 May 2005
First published: 05 May 2005
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