Explore Your Options

The Division of General Studies is the advising hub for University of Illinois students who wish to explore their options before declaring a major. We also serve students in transition between colleges or majors. The DGS student body comprises approximately 3,300 students—or nearly 11 percent of all Illinois undergraduates.

Whether you are a current DGS student, a prospective student or parent, or a high school guidance counselor, we encourage you to explore our website and learn about the exciting opportunities we bring to academic exploration.

Learn more about the Division of General Studies


Advisor and student in an appointment

January 13, 2009

Express Advising Period

The DGS Express Advising Period has begun for the start of the Spring semester.

Through Friday, January 23, DGS students can see their academic advisor by stopping by the Campus Center for Advising and Academic Services. No scheduled appointment is required. Be sure to bring your student ID!

About Express Advising

Students in other colleges considering a transfer into DGS can stop by during this time to complete the Intercollege Transfer (ICT) process.

About Intercollege Transfer into DGS

Fifth Story Gallery Call for Submissions

January 9, 2009

Fifth Story Gallery Call for Submissions

Got the artistic urge in your veins? Looking for a space to display your creative talents? Look no further than the Fifth Story Gallery, located in the Campus Center for Advising and Academic Services.

The Fifth Story Gallery call for submissions extends through Friday, February 6 at noon. All Illinois undergraduates are encouraged to submit their professional works.

Ruth Watkins, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

January 9, 2009

Education for Life as 21st Century Leaders

Ruth Watkins, former Vice Provost and current Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, spoke with DGS honors students in the fall semester about the meaning of a liberal education, what skills employers value, and how students can craft their educational experiences to meet the challenges ahead.

This engaging speaker series will be broadcast on UI-7, Illinois' cable television channel, on the following schedule:

Tuesday, January 13
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 17
12:00 p.m.

You can catch this series on local Comcast channel 7 or online in streaming video!

Zelda Garnder, Fall 2008 DGS Advisor of the Semester

January 2, 2009

Zelda Gardner named Advisor of Semester

We’re pleased to announce that Zelda Gardner has been named the Fall 2008 Advisor of the Semester!

Each semester, DGS students have a chance to nominate their advisor for this award.

Zelda's passion for advising is captured best by this student's comment: "I met with her several times over the course of the semester and each time I came away feeling better about whatever I had talked to her about. Whether it was about figuring out my major, deciding classes for spring semester, talking about a class that wasn't going well, or even talking about emotional problems, Zelda was always there to guide me. She is a really good advisor and I won't want to leave her behind when I do end up transferring to a major."

Congratulations, Z!