University of Illinois

Faculty/AP's Grads Policy Info Career/Recruiting Info Training Info Forms




Provost Office

Staff Human Resources

Benefits Center

UIUC Council of Academic Professionals 

Earnings Statement Info

Academic Staff Handbook




UIUC Calendar of Events

Campus Holidays

2009 Payroll Schedule

2008 Payroll Schedule




We are located at 807 S. Wright Street, Suite 420, Champaign, IL 61820 (Mail Code 310) (view a map)          

Processing's Phone Number: (217) 244-2400      Fax Number: (217) 333-4019
Policy's Phone Number:  (217) 333-6747
E-mail address:

Today's News:

  • A new Hiring Request Form and Hiring Request Process Document are available. 1/9/09
  • The 2008 Academic Professional Task Force Report is now available by clicking HERE - pdf
  • The 08/09 Grad minimum salary structure has been announced.
  • This website is presently under construction as we move to a new layout.  Pages within this site may still have the old look until they are upgraded.
  • The new 2006-09 Visiting Academic Professionals' Contract is now available for viewing.  
  • Academic HR conducts monthly meetings to discuss issues with BANNER, DART, NESSIE New Hire, International VISA issues, Student Employment issues, as well as any appointment related issues of the day.  HR System Group meetings are held the second THURSDAY of every month, at 8:30am, at the Illini Union.

We feel these meetings are EXTREMELY valuable to the Business Office people throughout the campus, and we encourage those of you who use the systems listed above to attend regularly.  There is also an e-mail distribution list for the group, in which we send out agendas, prior meeting minutes, and other useful information.  If you wish to join the HR System's Group distribution list, please contact Cathy Menacher.

What's New?

This website received an overhaul in May 2007.  In the future, this area will contain new links added to this site as well as information pertaining to forms/pages which have been recently updated.

Things you can find and do in NESSIE - new document located in the Training Tab 11/12/08

2008 Graduate Assistant Orientation Presentation - pdf - new presentation located on the GRAD tab 10/3/08

The CAPE Award Program has been updated with 2009 information - located on the "Faculty/AP's" tab

2008 Faculty/Other Academic/AP New Employee Welcome - updated for the 2008 edition 7/31/08

Academic Employee Group Descriptions - new page on the POLICY tab 7/24/08

Cell Phone Stipend Instructions - pdf - located on the Training tab 7/16/08

Salary Planner 2008 manual - pdf - revised for 2008's budgeting season 6/17/08

I-9 Training Manual, March 2008 edition, is now available on the "Training Info" tab


The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer

Copyright � 2007 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Maintained by Academic Human Resources
Doug Lamb
Last Update: 01/09/2009