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Join The Live Chat on The FBI's 95th Anniversary


Graphic link to FBI Online Chat On July 25, 2003, the FBI celebrates its 95th Anniversary. In association with this landmark event, FBI Historian John Fox will host a live FBI Chat at 12:00 pm, ET. In the course of his address, Mr. Fox will field questions from the public and discuss the depth and intrigue of the Bureau's past -- to include its founding, transformation and ongoing mission.

As commented by Mr. Fox, "The history of the FBI is rich and broad from its early beginnings in antitrust peonage and land fraud, through espionage and criminal investigations in some of the most colorful and dangerous chapters of American History. This discussion will look at the founding and early years of Bureau, its mission, and its cases. Broader questions about the FBI's history are welcomed as time permits."

Submit your questions now or join the chat live.

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