A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Wagon wheel in the Carrizo Plain National Monument Three Pump Jacks, Midway-Sunset Oilfield Painted Rock. Carrizo Plain National Monument. Wild Horses Piedras Blancas Lightstation, San Simeon
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Carrizo Plain National Monument Resource Management Planning Process

The Bureau of Land Management, our partners, and the Carrizo Plain Monument Advisory Committee are currently developing a Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Carrizo Plain National Monument. We will use this plan to guide our stewardship of the monument for years to come.

Development of the RMP offers both the BLM and the public a unique opportunity to produce a comprehensive long-range vision for management of the area. We invite you to participate in development of the plan.  This website contains current information on the planning process and schedule, and will be updated as the plan progresses. The links contained on this page will provide more detail on the effort and how you can get involved. Public input opportunities and major documents developed during the RMP process will be announced through a variety of means including Federal Register Notices and News Releases, and in the public comment opportunities section of this web site. Detailed information on the RMP can be found in Plan Update Information Bulletins which will be published several times as the plan progresses.
The Monument Proclamation established the Carrizo Plain National Monument and will serve as the primary vision guiding development of the RMP. The Secretary of Interior also established a Monument Advisory Committee to provide counsel and advice to the BLM regarding plan development and implementation. 
The BLM and our management partners have developed preliminary planning criteria that will serve as sideboards & ground-rules in our development of plan goals & actions, and in the selection of a preferred alternative. These preliminary planning criteria are based on the monument proclamation and other management direction, and are open to public comment. The planning area map shows BLM lands within the National Monument boundary that will be managed under this RMP.

Map of Subregions

Federal Register Notices  

News Releases  

Public Comment Opportunities
A great plan requires public involvement in the process. We want to hear from you. There will be a number of opportunities for you to participate throughout the process.
-- Scoping Period (April 12 – June 12, 2006) The first phase of the public involvement process, called “scoping,” is designed to help identify a management vision and highlight what topics the public feels are most important to future management of the Carrizo. Your early participation during scoping will be key to helping us get the process off in the right direction.
1. Start by filling out the Visioning Sheet and send it back to us by June 12, 2007. Or mail written comments to: Carrizo Plain Monument Manager Johna Hurl BLM Bakersfield Field Office, 3801 Pegasus Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93308.
2. Attend one of the public scoping meetings:
  • April 24,2007: San Luis Obispo. The Ludwick Community Center, 864 Santa Rosa Street. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and finish at 7:30 p.m.
  • May 1, 2007 at the BLM Bakersfield Field Office, 3801 Pegasus Drive.  The office is approximately one mile east of Highway 99 off the Porterville/Sequoia exit turn-off on Highway 65. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and finish at 7:30 p.m. 
  • May 5, 2007 at the California Valley Community Services District building on Soda Lake Road. The center is located approximately three miles south of Highway 58 adjacent to the California Valley Fire Station 42. This meeting is being held in conjunction with a Carrizo Monument Advisory Committee meeting.  The planning effort will be discussed (with time for public scoping input) from 10 a.m. to noon.  Lunch will be available for $8.  The MAC meeting will then continue from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. focusing on other agenda topics related to the national monument
-- Draft Resource Management Plan The BLM will develop a draft plan and Environmental Impact Statement that addresses area management issues and opportunities, and incorporates public scoping input. This document will be available for public review in early 2008. The draft plan will address several management alternatives. A second set of public meetings will be held in early 2008 to discuss the Draft Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement..
-- Contact us by phone or via email anytime during the process:   cacarrizo@ca.blm.gov 661-391-6000. 
Planning Criteria
The BLM and our management partners have developed preliminary planning criteria that will serve as sideboards & ground-rules in the development of plan goals, and in the selection of a preferred alternative. When all other factors are equal, management options that better meet the criteria will be selected over other options to form the preferred alternative. These preliminary planning criteria are open to public comment and additions and changes can be made during the scoping process.
  • The plan decisions will recognize the Carrizo Plain’s primary importance as habitat critical for recovery of threatened and endangered species. 
  • The plan will identify core geographic areas for endangered species population management and recovery. Within these core areas, endangered species habitat will be a management priority relative to other resources and uses.  
  • The plan will recognize the importance of maintaining a mosaic of natural habitats in order to promote the biodiversity inherent in the ecosystem. 
  • The plan will recognize the uniqueness of the Carrizo Plain as an undeveloped remnant of the once vast San Joaquin Valley ecosystem, and will emphasize actions that foster the increase of indigenous or native species. 
  • The planning process will involve Native American tribal governments and will provide strategies for protecting recognized traditional uses.  
  • The Plan will meet the requirement of the Monument Proclamation to protect the objects of geological, archaeological, historical, and biological value within the Monument 
  • The BLM will continue to work cooperatively with Carrizo Plain managing partners; the California Department of Fish and Game and The Nature Conservancy, as well as with other agencies of the State of California, San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Native Americans, and other interested groups, agencies, and individuals. Public participation will be encouraged throughout the process. 
  • The Carrizo RMP will be completed in compliance with FLPMA and all other applicable laws. It will conform to the direction included within the President’s January 17, 2001 Proclamation: Establishment of the Carrizo Plain National Monument, and the January 19, 2001 directive from the Secretary of the Interior: “Management of the Carrizo Plain National Monument”.  
Planning Documents
Links to the following documents will be updated as they are completed. 
DocumentLink to Document
Scoping Report Final Scoping Document (pdf - 1.2 mb)
Draft Resource Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement 

Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement


Final Resource Management Plan and Decision Record


Project Timeline

The following timeline has been estimated for completion of the Carrizo Plain National Monument Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement. All dates are tentative (except for the scoping period).
4/12/2007 – 6/12/2007Scoping Period
8/1/2007Tentative schedule for completion of scoping report.
7/2007 – 12/2007Planning team develops alternatives.
1/2008 - 12/2008Planning team analyzes impacts and develops Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement.
1/2009 - 4/2009Public comment period on Draft RMP/EIS. This will include public briefings and a written comment period.
4/2009 - 8/2009Planning team analyzes comments and develops proposed RMP and Final EIS. 
8/2009 - 11/2009Proposed RMP/Final EIS published. Governor’s consistency review and public protest period.
10/2009 - 11/2010Protest resolution (if needed, Record of Decision signed, RMP implementation begins)
Plan Update Information Bulletins
  1. Planning Update, Spring 2007





Contact Us:

Carrizo Plain National Monument
Bureau of Land Management
3801 Pegasus Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93308
(661) 391.6000

email: cacarrizo@ca.blm.gov