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Forecast Earth Movies

These video segments were created through a partnership between EPA and The Weather Channel. They aired on The Weather Channel (TWC) cable network as part of TWC's new 'Forecast Earth' series. The following list contains links to the movies for both 56K modem connections and broadband connections. Please choose the appropriate link for the connection and player you have installed on your computer. lf you do not have a player you may download one from the links provided below the list. If you would just like to see a transcipt of the text click on the link in the "Transcript Text" column.

Real Player
Windows Media Player
Apple Quicktime Player
Transcript Text
Ozone Depletion - Science and Response
56 K Modem
Health Effects of UV Radiation
56 K Modem
Player Download Links

To view the videos in one of the formats mentioned above you must have that player on your computer. A recent version of a player can be downloaded to your computer by going to one of the following websites:

RealPlayer Exit EPA Click for disclaimer

Microsoft Windows Media Exit EPA Click for disclaimer

Apple QuickTime Exit EPA Click for disclaimer

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